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Spherity and Antares Vision Group further partnership to ensure life sciences customers will comply with upcoming DSCSA regulations

Antares Vision Group, through rfxcel technology, has integrated Spherity’s Credentialing Service into its DSCSA solutions to verify authorized trading partners’ identities and licensing in all regulated interactions.

Reno, Nevada, April 25, 2023 — Spherity, a German leading provider of digital wallet and credentialing solutions, and Antares Vision Group, an Italian multinational and a leading provider of track and trace and quality control systems, are continuing a partnership that helps ensure life sciences customers comply with this year’s U.S. Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA) regulations.

By November 27, 2023, manufacturers, distributors, dispensers, and other actors in the life sciences supply chain must prove that they are legitimate organizations, or authorized trading partners (ATPs), as defined by the DSCSA.

The two companies first partnered in 2021, when Spherity’s Credentialing Solution, CARO, was integrated into the Group’s Verification Router Service (VRS) solution, enabled by rfxcel technologies, to allow life science customers to confirm their ATPs status. The combined solution also allows customers to exchange DSCSA-compliant electronic Product Identifier (PI) messages, trace products, and create an audit trail of their VRS business interactions.

CARO uses Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) technology to establish a secure, verifiable digital enterprise identity for every ATP. By integrating the service into its VRS solution, rfxcel customers can ensure secure, authenticated data exchange with other ATPs and verify they have the credentials required by the DSCSA, including state licenses and U.S. Food and Drug Administration Entity Identifiers (FEIs).

“We partnered with Spherity to enable our customers to comply with this year’s DSCSA authorized trading partner (ATP) requirements,” said rfxcel Senior Vice President of Product and Strategy Herb Wong. “With Spherity’s CARO, our VRS solution automatically confirms whether a company is an ATP. Now, every customer can add ATP credentialing to our entire product portfolio and secure their VRS interactions.”

“Spherity will ensure that Antares Vision Group’s customers can securely exchange data with previously unknown entities,” said Georg Jürgens, Spherity’s Manager for Industry Solutions. “The concept of exchanging and verifying credentials using Digital Wallets supports company and product compliance use cases that require communication between regulators, existing supply chain partners, and new trading partners.”

Spherity and Antares Vision Group are members of the Open Credentialing Initiative (OCI), and both contribute to the standardization and industry-wide interoperability of credentialing technology.

For more information about the Spherity-Antares Vision Group partnership, their solutions for DSCSA compliance with ATP requirements, and the Open Credentialing Initiative, contact Spherity’s Manager for Industry Solutions Georg Jürgens at georg.juergens@spherity.com and visit caro.vc, and rfxcel Senior Vice President of Product and Strategy Herb Wong at hwong@rfxcel.com.


Antares Vision Group is an outstanding technology partner in digitalization and innovation for companies and institutions, guaranteeing the safety of products and people, business competitiveness, and environmental protection. The Group provides a unique and comprehensive ecosystem of technologies to guarantee product quality (inspection systems and equipment) and end-to-end product traceability (from raw materials to production, from distribution to the consumer) through integrated data management, applying artificial intelligence and blockchain technology. Antares Vision Group is active in life science (pharmaceutical, biomedical devices and hospitals) and Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG), including food, beverage, cosmetics, and glass and metal containers. As a world leader in track and trace solutions for pharmaceutical products, the Group provides major global manufacturers (over 50% of the top 20 multinationals) and numerous government authorities with solutions, monitoring their supply chains and validating product authenticity. Listed since April 2019 on the Italian Stock Exchange in the Alternative Investment Market (AIM) segment and from 14 May 2021 in the STAR segment of Euronext; furthermore, from July 2022 included in the Euronext Tech Leaders index, dedicated to leading tech companies with high growth potential. In 2022, Antares Vision Group recorded a turnover of €223.5 million. The Group operates in 60 countries, employs more than 1,100 people, and has a consolidated network of over 40 international partners. To learn more, please visit www.antaresvision.com and www.antaresvisiongroup.com.


Spherity is a German software provider bringing secure and decentralized identity management solutions to enterprises, machines, products, data and even algorithms. Spherity provides the enabling technology to digitalize and automate compliance processes in highly regulated technical sectors. Spherity’s products empower cybersecurity, efficiency and data interoperability among digital value chains. Spherity is certified according to the information security standard ISO 27001.

FSMA 204 and Food Safety: Examining Compliance Requirements

The Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) is a sweeping set of regulations designed to revolutionize how we approach food safety in the United States. The Final Rule on Requirements for Additional Traceability Records for Certain Foods — also known as the “Food Traceability Final Rule” or “Final Rule”) implements FSMA Section 204. FSMA 204 establishes additional traceability recordkeeping requirements for companies that manufacture, process, pack, or hold foods included on the Food Traceability List (FTL).

For the food industry, understanding and complying with FSMA 204 is not just a legal requirement: it’s a commitment to public health and safety. It also creates many value-add opportunities through leveraging supply chain traceability.

Let’s dive into the FSMA 204 rule and what it means for your business.

Understanding FSMA 204

FSMA’s overarching goal is to prevent foodborne illnesses; it has seven rules to govern food production and distribution. Section 204 focuses on enhancing the traceability of FTL food, ensuring that businesses can quickly identify and address potential safety issues. The rule emphasizes the need for detailed recordkeeping. It’s like a meticulous logbook of your food product’s journey from farm to table.

Specifically, FSMA 204 requires supply chain actors to maintain records of critical tracking events (CTEs) and associated key data elements (KDEs). Entities that manufacture, process, pack, or hold foods on the FTL (e.g., harvesters, packers, processors, and distributors) must maintain and share these electronic records. So it’s not a stretch to say that the Food Traceability Final Rule will affect almost everyone in the U.S. food supply chain.

Compliance Requirements

If you’re wondering whether FSMA 204 applies to you, consider the scope of your business. The rule primarily targets businesses that manufacture, process, pack, or hold foods listed on the Food Traceability List (FTL). Some items on the FTL include:

    • Nut butters
    • Deli salads
    • Leafy greens
    • Melons
    • Shell eggs
    • Tropical tree fruits
    • Crustaceans
    • Cucumbers
    • Finfish
    • Other fresh produce

To comply, you need to register with the FDA, providing detailed information about your business and the specific food products you handle. While there are exemptions, most members of the food supply chain will have to comply with FSMA 204, which also requires using traceability lot codes, developing a traceability plan, and sharing records with the FDA when requested.

Compliance Measures

Compliance with FSMA Section 204 might sound daunting, but it’s achievable with the right approach. Start by thoroughly understanding the Final Rule and its requirements. Develop a system for meticulous traceability recordkeeping. Training your staff on food safety practices is also crucial.

The goal is to make food safety part of your company’s DNA; you can’t treat the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act as an afterthought or a box you have to check.

Navigating the Countdown to Compliance

Let’s take a closer look at the FSMA 204 timeline. Traditionally, the FDA has rolled out major regulations using a phased approach. For FSMA 204, however, the Agency has set a single firm compliance date: January 20, 2026.

Although that’s a little more than two years away, the time to start preparing is now. Don’t wait. Start your compliance process early, and use the time to refine and perfect your systems. That way, if you encounter any unexpected hurdles, you’ll have time to sort them out.

The Importance of Traceability

Traceability is at the heart of FSMA 204. By maintaining and sharing CTEs, KDEs, and detailed records of each food item’s journey, businesses can know where every product came from, where it is right now, where it’s going next, and its final destination. With this rich traceability data, they can swiftly address safety concerns, recall affected products, and provide critical information during investigations. Improving traceability can also mitigate brand damage due to recalls and help maintain consumer trust.

Common Challenges and Solutions

As you work to implement FSMA 204 into your business model, you could encounter one of these challenges:

    • Data challenges: Existing data-sharing strategies need to be supplemented with traceability data.
    • Trading partners challenges: If your partners don’t send required traceability data, it will affect your ability to maintain and send CTEs and KDEs across your supply chain.
    • Process challenges: Your system must be able to send and receive traceability data quickly and accurately. It must also be able to spot (and fix) errors and communicate effectively with your partners.
    • Technology challenges: Legacy supply chain systems may not be equipped to capture and organize traceability data.

Overcoming these hurdles requires a holistic approach. You must reevaluate your processes to ensure they promote compliance and, critically, collaborate with your partners to ensure you’ll be able to share all the required FSMA 204 data. Most important, you should determine if you need to replace or augment legacy tech with new solutions designed to modernize and simplify traceability.

Benefits of FSMA 204 Compliance

FSMA 204 compliance provides many, many benefits to your business, your trading partners, and the public. When you comply with FSMA 204, you help maximize traceability, food safety, and supply chain visibility. You also avoid penalties for non-compliance.

Implementing traceability technologies will also make your supply chain more efficient. You’ll gather robust item-level data insights about the flow of goods, which will help you to identify bottlenecks and “blind spots,” reduce spoilage, and even fight diversion, theft, and counterfeits. The more you know about your supply chain, the easier it will be to optimize it.

Complying with FSMA 204 requirements is also an opportunity to leverage rich traceability data to enhance your brand reputation, engage with consumers and build trust, and establish yourself as a leader in food safety. These benefits translate into customer loyalty and business growth.

Final Thoughts About FSMA 204 Compliance

The deadline to comply with FSMA traceability requirements is January 20, 2026. (That’s a Tuesday, if you’re wondering.) The FDA is giving the food industry the extra time because it wants all regulated businesses to come into compliance by the same date — and because it acknowledges that trading partners have to get their systems in place.

The worldwide food industry should monitor events in the United States as FSMA traceability requirements evolve. It’s not just about compliance and being able to sell products in America; it’s about being able to anticipate regulatory trends, keeping your supply chain moving at peak performance, and leading in the industry through adaptation and innovation. It’s also about leveraging the FSMA regulations to create business opportunities.

This is where Antares Vision Group can help. We offer a full-stack solution for the food industry. A “soup to nuts” solution, if you will. We can answer your questions, show you in concrete detail how we create end-to-end traceability in supply chains, and discuss how to use traceability to safeguard your brand and protect your bottom line. Contact us today to talk with us and schedule a demo.

And read this if you’re interested in learning about how rfxcel technology helped a major berry producer control the safety and quality of more than 1.5 billion products.

A Guide to Traceability Lot Codes and Food Safety

Traceability lot codes are small but mighty tools that help to ensure food safety. Today, we’re going to look at traceability lot codes, including how they promote safety in the food industry and the important role they play in the Food Safety Modernization Act (FMSA) Section 204 compliance and securing public health.

What Is a Lot Code?

A lot code is essentially a passport for food products. It’s a unique identifier, usually a sequence of numbers and letters, that identifies a specific batch of products that were manufactured (or harvested) under the same conditions and in the same location. Lot codes help track products through the entire supply chain and are vital for troubleshooting quality issues and speeding recalls. Lot codes are assigned to products by the manufacturer.

Whether it’s a pallet loaded with cases of olive oil, a box of cereal, or even a raw agricultural commodity (RAC), the lot code tells you where an item came from and when it was made. This is vital for traceability, helping manufacturers and regulators such as the FDA and USDA keep tabs on products as they move from field to factory to consumers.

Using lot codes not only helps food companies comply with traceability and food safety regulations — they also promote supply chain transparency as part of an indelible provenance that tells where a food came from, who handled it (e.g., harvesters, packers, shippers, and receivers), and its expiration date.

How to Read a Lot Code on a Product

Typically, a lot code includes information about the production date, batch number, and sometimes even the manufacturing line. For instance, a lot code reading “20210305” could mean the product was manufactured on March 5, 2021. If it says “2021030515,” it could mean the product’s expiration date is March 15, 2021. Other numbers can indicate a unique product ID or the name of the grower, producer, or manufacturer.

Role of Lot Codes in Traceability

In the journey from farm to fork, lot codes act like breadcrumbs. They enable traceability at every step, from production to first land-based receiving interactions and beyond. If there is a foodborne illness outbreak or other problem, stakeholders can trace goods back to their sources.

And as we said above, they help you comply with food regulations, including the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), which mandates recordkeeping and traceability requirements for certain foods. More on that below.

Ensuring Food Safety Through Lot Codes

Traceability lot code requirements, such as those in FSMA 204, promote better food safety and transparency across the supply chain. One of the biggest benefits of traceability lot codes is that they help companies and investigators quickly pinpoint  the origins of foodborne illnesses.

If an issue occurs with one of your products, you can quickly determine which products have been affected and where they are in your supply chain or, if they’ve reached their final destination, what retail establishment they’re in. With this granular data, you can implement a focused recall strategy that protects consumers and public health while minimizing product loss. Such precision also helps protect your brand: You can communicate with consumers about the status of the recall, affected areas, and how to dispose of the recalled product.

Common Questions About Traceability Lot Codes

Let’s consider a few common questions about traceability lot codes.

Can a Lot Code Tell You Whether a Product Is Organic or Not?

Lot codes don’t directly convey this information; however, they can be used alongside other product details to let consumers know if a product is organic.

How Can Consumers Use Lot Codes?

Consumers can use lot codes to make informed decisions about the food they buy. They can check the lot code to determine whether their product is part of a recall. It’s also a handy way to gauge a product’s freshness.

Why Are Lot Codes Important for Food Safety?

Lot codes make tracking and tracing products faster, easier, and more accurate. If there’s a problem with a food item, such as a contamination issue, the codes help quickly identify which products are affected.

Consumer Awareness and Lot Codes

If you want to establish your brand as transparent and customer-centric, you should educate consumers about traceability lot codes. Teaching consumers how to read codes and learn what information they provide will empower them to make informed choices regarding the food products they buy.

The FSMA Traceability Lot Code

The Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Food Safety and Modernization Act (FSMA) is the primary set of regulatory requirements governing the use of a lot code on food products. FSMA rules outline when to put a lot code on food products, what traceability data you must retain, and more.

The FDA Food Safety Modernization Act requires you to track key data elements (KDEs) and critical tracking events (CTEs) for certain foods like shell eggs, butter, tree-borne fruits, and more. The final rule’s requirements have a compliance date of January 20, 2026. However, some aspects are already being enforced.

What is the FSMA Traceability Lot Code?

The FDA defines the FSMA traceability lot code as “a descriptor, often alphanumeric, used to uniquely identify a traceability lot within the records of the firm that assigned the traceability lot code.”

Certain types of companies must assign, record, and share with their trading partners the traceability lot codes for foods on the FTL. These companies must also link the codes to information that identifies FTL foods as they move through the supply chain. (More on this below.)

A traceability lot code must be assigned when any of the following occur:

      • Initial packing of a raw agricultural commodity (RAC*), other than a food obtained from a fishing vessel
      • Performing the first land-based receiving of a food obtained from a fishing vessel
      • Transformation of a food

Section 201(r) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act defines a RAC as “any food in its raw or natural state, including all fruits that are washed, colored, or otherwise treated in their unpeeled natural form prior to marketing.”

FSMA Traceability Lot Codes in Action: CTEs and KDEs

To fully understand FSMA traceability lot codes, we have to talk about the cornerstones of FSMA traceability: critical tracking events (CTEs) and key data elements (KDEs), which are required for foods on the FTL.

In broad terms:

      • CTEs include events that happen during growing and processing, such as harvesting, cooling, initial packing, and distribution.
      • KDEs provide the granular details for food traceability, including time, location, unit measurements, and information about the businesses handling the food.
      • Different companies are responsible for different types of KDEs (e.g., for receiving, shipping, transformation).

A FSMA traceability lot code is typically assigned during the “initial packing” CTE, which the law describes as “packing a RAC, other than a food obtained from a fishing vessel, for the first time.” This means that a code is not assigned at previous supply chain nodes, such on a farm, during harvest, or at a cooling facility.

Once a traceability lot code has been assigned, the records required at each CTE must include that code. Furthermore, companies shouldn’t change the traceability lot code they receive from their partners (e.g., a shipper shouldn’t change the code it receives from an initial packager).

Do You Have to Comply? Are You Exempt?

The Final Rule does have exceptions to the requirements we’ve discussed above.

Overall, the law stipulates that “persons who manufacture, process, pack, or hold foods on the FTL [must] maintain records containing KDEs associated with CTEs” and “provide information to the FDA within 24 hours or within some reasonable time to which the FDA has agreed.”

Therefore, speaking generally, initial packagers, shippers, and receivers have to assign, record, and/or share include a FSMA traceability lot code. Companies that transform FTL foods into other products must include the traceability lot code for each ingredient received and a new traceability lot code for the product you’ve created.

However, companies that receive an FTL food from a partner that is exempt from the regulations must assign a traceability lot code if one has not already been assigned — unless the receiving company is a retail food establishment or a restaurant.

Again, we’re speaking generally. The FDA has an online tool to determine if you’re exempt from the Final Rule.

Final Thoughts About Traceability Lot Codes

This is a lot of information to digest, especially the FSMA requirements. The best option is to contact us and nail down your FSMA traceability lot code obligations — and to make sure you’re ready to comply with every FSMA requirement.

As we wrote in our last FSMA update about two weeks ago, the deadline to comply is January 20, 2026. That seems like a long way off, but it’s really not when you factor in the complexity of the Final Rule, the FTL, and the other mandates.

Antares Vision Group can help. We’ll answer your questions. We’ll demonstrate how our traceability and compliance solutions meet your exact needs. And we’ll show you how technology from rfxcel brings added value for brand protection, risk mitigation, customer engagement. Drop us a line today and let’s get started.

Read More About FSMA:


Antares Vision Group, Through rfxcel, Begins Partnership with Renown Health Network for DSCSA-Compliant Pharmaceutical Tracking

rfxcel, part of Antares Vision Group, will implement DSCSA compliance solutions to help ensure pharmacies across the northern Nevada healthcare network comply with the regulations.

Reno, Nevada, March 8, 2023 — Antares Vision Group (EXM, AV:IM), a leading provider of track and trace and quality control systems, today announced that rfxcel, which is part of the Group, has begun a partnership with Renown Health Foundation to implement compliance software so the network can track and trace pharmaceuticals in compliance with the Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA).

With rfxcel’s DSCSA compliance solutions, Renown Health’s medical groups and pharmacies will achieve real-time electronic tracing of drug products at the package level to identify and trace prescription drugs as they are distributed throughout the health system. This will enhance Renown’s ability to help protect patients from exposure to drugs that may be counterfeit, stolen, contaminated, or otherwise harmful.

“Reno has been our home since 2018 and many of our employees live and work in the northern Nevada region,” said rfxcel CEO Glenn Abood. “Renown is one of the leading not-for-profit healthcare organizations here and is the perfect partner to team with to give back to our community. We are excited about the opportunity to work with them and to help improve the health and well-being of our friends and neighbors.”

“Ensuring our patient’s medications are safe and legitimate is of the upmost importance to us,” said Renown’s Vice President of Pharmacy Services Adam Porath. “When members of our community get involved in our work, it brings us all closer together. We are thankful that Antares Vision Group and rfxcel are partnering with us on our healing mission. They are making it possible for us to keep our patients safe, comply with the demanding DSCSA requirements, and respond quickly to changing supply chain requirements.”

For further information, write us at news@rfxcel.com.



Antares Vision Group is an outstanding technology partner in digitalization and innovation for companies and institutions, guaranteeing the safety of products and people, business competitiveness, and environmental protection. The Group provides a unique and comprehensive ecosystem of technologies to guarantee product quality (inspection systems and equipment) and end-to-end product traceability (from raw materials to production, from distribution to the consumer) through integrated data management, applying artificial intelligence and blockchain technology. Antares Vision Group is active in life science (pharmaceutical, biomedical devices and hospitals) and Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG), including food, beverage, cosmetics, and glass and metal containers. As a world leader in track and trace solutions for pharmaceutical products, the Group provides major global manufacturers (over 50% of the top 20 multinationals) and numerous government authorities with solutions, monitoring their supply chains and validating product authenticity. Listed since April 2019 on the Italian Stock Exchange in the Alternative Investment Market (AIM) segment and from 14 May 2021 in the STAR segment of the Mercato Telematico Azionario (MTA), Antares Vision Group recorded a turnover of €179 million in 2021, operates in 60 countries, employs more than 1,000 people, and has a consolidated network of over 40 international partners. To learn more, please visit www.antaresvision.com and www.antaresvisiongroup.com.


Renown Health is Nevada’s largest, not-for-profit integrated healthcare network serving Nevada, Lake Tahoe, and northeast California. With a diverse workforce of more than 9,000 employees, Renown has fostered a longstanding culture of excellence, determination, and innovation. The organization comprises a trauma center, two acute care hospitals, a children’s hospital, a rehabilitation hospital, a medical group and urgent care network, and the locally owned not-for-profit insurance company, Hometown Health. Renown is currently enrolling participants in a community-based genetic population health study, the Healthy Nevada Project®.

Join Antares Vision Group at the HDA 2022 Traceability Seminar in October

Antares Vision Group will be at the HDA 2022 Traceability Seminar October 12-14 at the Marriott Marquis in Washington, D.C. We’re an official sponsor, and our team will be there with our latest technologies and solutions. Stop by to meet us!

The HDA 2022 Traceability Seminar brings together healthcare supply chain leaders to learn more about implementation milestones of the DSCSA as distributors, manufacturers, and dispensers implement serialization and traceability technologies.

Attendees also discuss innovative approaches and lessons learned from the first 9 years of the DSCSA rollout and what to expect during the “last mile” of implementation until the November 2023 deadline.

Get the latest DSCSA intel from our experts at the HDA 2022 Traceability Seminar

If you’re reading this, chances are you know that we’ve been leading on the DSCSA since Day 1 and have collaborated with the pharma industry to test key systems, work out kinks, and help all stakeholders prepare. Here are just a few examples:

And it should come as no surprise that Herb Wong, our SVP of product and strategy, will be at the Seminar. He’ll be at our booth, of course, but he’s also doing the “EPCIS Onboarding Across the Supply Chain” panel discussion on Thursday, Oct. 13, from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m.

Herb will also host a Friday morning roundtable about DSCSA readiness. Antares Vision Group is sponsoring the day’s Roundtable Discussions (9:35-10:50 a.m.), where you can discuss operational issues associated with traceability implementation. Choose a topic that interests you and rotate through the tables with your peers. Highlights from the discussions will be shared at the end of the session.

With this experience and knowledge, our team wants to answer your questions and show you our solutions while you’re at the Seminar. No matter how far along you are in your DSCSA preparations, time with our team will be time well spent — informative, interesting, and maybe even game-changing.

Final thoughts

We’re just a year away from the final DSCSA deadline and the full serialization of the U.S. pharmaceutical supply chain. The HDA 2022 Traceability Seminar is really the place to be when it comes to the “right now” of the DSCSA for product identification, product tracing, product verification, and requirements for authorized trading partners.

So bring your DSCSA questions for our team and let us know how things are going. Visit our booth. Sit in on Herb’s Thursday EPCIS panel discussion and his Friday roundtable. If you have 3 minutes, take our DSCSA Readiness Survey. You can also check out our DSCSA Compliance Library for all of our resources about the law.

We hope to see you in October!

FDA National Drug Code: Proposed Format Changes & Industry Impact

If you follow our blog (and we know you do), you know that pharma stakeholders will have to verify all products at the individual package level when the Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA) goes into full effect about 1 year from now. The FDA National Drug Code, or NDC, is integral to this requirement.

At some point, however, the FDA realized that it was “running out of” National Drug Codes. One reason was the pandemic, which the Agency said “significantly increased the rate at which NDC codes were issued.” In response, on July 25 it published a proposed rule, “Revising the National Drug Code Format and Drug Label Barcode Requirements.”

What does this mean? How will a new FDA National Drug Code format affect the pharma industry? Let’s take a look.

What is the FDA National Drug Code?

The FDA National Drug Code is the Agency’s “standard for uniquely identifying drugs marketed in the United States.” The codes are usually found on product labeling and might be part of the universal product code (UPC). Today, National Drug Codes comprise 10 digits in three segments:

      1. Labeler code (4 or 5 digits), which identifies the labeler. The FDA defines a labeler as “any firm that manufactures (including repackers or relabelers), or distributes (under its own name) the drug.” The FDA assigns labeler codes.
      2. Product code (3 or 4 digits), which identifies strength, dosage form, and formulation for a particular firm. Firms assign product codes.
      3. Packaging code (1 or 2 digits), which identifies the package size and type. Firms assign packaging codes.

National Drug Code formats are commonly referred to as “5-4-1,” “5-4-2” (HIPAA standard), “5-3-2,” or “4-4-2” depending on how many digits each segment has. The illustration below is adapted from an FDA graphic depicting the current format.

Current FDA National Drug Code NDC Format

The Proposed Changes to the FDA National Drug Code

The proposed FDA National Drug Code would have a “uniform” 12-digit, “6-4-2” format, as illustrated below. The Agency says this “would facilitate the adoption of a single NDC format by all stakeholders [and] eliminate the need to convert NDCs from one of FDA’s prescribed formats to a different standardized format used by other sectors of the healthcare industry (e.g., healthcare providers and payors).”

Proposed Changes to FDA National Drug Code NDC

When and how will the change be rolled out?

The FDA proposes an effective date 5 years after the final rule is published “to allow stakeholders time to develop and implement changes to their systems.” Pharma stakeholders that use FDA-assigned codes will need to have systems in place to handle the new format by the effective date.

The Agency would begin assigning new 12-digit National Drug Codes in the 6-4-2 format on the effective date. Drug listing files submitted on or after the effective date would also have to use the new 6-4-2 format.

However, “to reduce the burden on registrants,” the FDA says it won’t require companies to resubmit all of their existing drug listing files; instead, the Agency itself would convert the existing codes “by adding leading zeros to the appropriate segments.” For example:

All FDA National Drug Code NDC

And though the Agency’s proposing a 3-year labeling transition period from the effective date, it’s encouraging manufacturers and distributors to start using the new National Drug Codes as early as possible. Still, during this 3-year period the FDA “does not intend to object to the continued use of 10-digit NDCs on the labeling of products that were assigned a 10-digit NDC prior to the effective date.”

Impact on product labeling

Product labeling will have to be updated with the uniform 12-digit FDA National Drug Code. To make this easier for stakeholders, the Agency proposes revising requirements to allow linear or nonlinear barcodes — as long as they meet mandated standards.

The FDA says it’s also looking into revising 21 CFR 201.25(c), “Bar code label requirements,” to “accommodate potential advances in technologies and standards development by allowing the use of unspecified automatic identification and data capture (AIDC) formats other than linear or non-linear barcodes … without the need to revise the regulation again.”

Industry reaction

These proposed changes to the FDA National Drug Code would affect manufacturers of human and animal drugs, insurers/payors, wholesale distributors, drug databanks, pharmacies, hospitals, small clinics and healthcare practitioners, dentist offices, prisons, nursing care facilities, importers, federal agencies using the National Drug Code, state and local governments, and other supply chain stakeholders that use FDA National Drug Codes.

The pharma industry has known for at least 4 years that the FDA was concerned about running out of codes and was thinking about proposing changes. The Agency held a public hearing on Nov. 5, 2018, “to receive input from stakeholders on how to maximize the benefit and minimize this impact well in advance of any forthcoming change.” Four options were presented at this hearing:

      • Option A: Use 5-digit labeler codes until they run out, then adopt a 6-digit labeler code
      • Option B: Start using 6-digit labeler codes on a designated date
      • Option C: Change to an 11-digit format, then a 12-digit format, when the 5 -digit label codes are gone
      • Option D: Adopt the 12-digit format before the 5-digit labeler codes are gone.

Most comments from industry supported Option D. “Comments were in favor of FDA’s adoption of a single standardized format that could be used by all stakeholders,” the Agency reported. “The majority of the commenters were in favor of FDA establishing a certain date when stakeholders would be required to have systems capable of handling the new format.”

However, industry leaders raised concerns in their public comments. The Healthcare Distribution Alliance (HDA) noted its “agreement with those speaking at the public meeting that … Options, A, B and C, are infeasible. Some of them, for example, would negatively impact bar code technology and interoperability, and others would perpetuate, or even exacerbate the confusion created by the current multiple formats, by adding even more formats. These three Options could also result in creating duplicate NDCs.”

GS1, with input from its New NDC Format Workgroup, advocated for Option D, including implementing “a standards-based format for NDC” (i.e., using a Global Trade Item Number, or GTIN; see below). It also noted concerns, saying this option had “cons,” including its impact on standardized numerical identifiers (SNIs). Let’s examine this a bit further.

FDA National Drug Codes will play a significant role when the DSCSA goes into full effect on Nov. 27, 2023. At that time, drug package labels must include a product identifier. A product identifier is a standardized graphic that contains the product’s SNI, a lot number, and an expiration date. The SNI comprises two data points: the National Drug Code and a unique alphanumeric serial number.

With this in mind, GS1 commented that the “SNI Guidance will need modification in advance of and as preparation for Option D implementation. The SNI guidance defined SNI as NDC + serial number. However … this does not support unique identification at every level of the packaging hierarchy, and therefore is not sufficient to support traceability. GS1 members had been able to overcome this challenge by embedding the NDC in a GTIN. However, with Option D, members will no longer have this technical mechanism.”

Final thoughts

That’s a lot to think about. The comment period for the FDA National Drug Code proposed rule ends Nov. 22, 2022, and industry stakeholders are sure to once again share their opinions in the docket. Some of the issues that could be raised include the following:

      • Companies’ serialization systems and ancillary systems could be affected because they contain and use FDA National Drug Codes.
      • Systems will have to accept and store both the current and new formats.
      • Stakeholders will have to know which format to send and when.
      • Systems may have to carry both formats simultaneously for current medicines.

The biggest takeaway, though, is that companies should be thinking about the change and preparing now. This is a DSCSA mantra, right? Prepare for the Verification Router Service (VRS). Prepare for ATPs. Prepare for  product identification, serialization, and EPCIS.

If you have questions, contact us today to speak to one of our  DSCSA and supply chain experts. We’re participating on the GS1 New NDC Format Workgroup and have been actively involved in discussions about how the changes will affect pharma companies. With only a little more than a year to go before rollout of the DCSCA is complete, now is the time to connect with us and make sure you’re going to be ready for the full serialization of the U.S. pharma supply chain.


Sustainability in the Cosmetics Supply Chain: Tracking and Tracing for a Greener Future

The health and beauty industry is under increasing pressure from regulatory bodies and consumers to maintain and demonstrate due diligence in their supply chains. Forward-thinking companies are responding by making cosmetics supply chain sustainability an integral part of their mission statements and consumer engagement activities.

For example, “The Big 3” are prioritizing cosmetics supply chain sustainability. L’Oréal puts environmental and social performance at the heart of its business to drive value.  Estée Lauder’s mission is “to bring the best to everyone we touch and to support the environment in which we live.” And Unilever reports thoroughly on environmental and ethical statistics, including water, energy, greenhouse gases, waste and plastic packaging, sustainable sourcing, and community investment.

So let’s take a look at  sustainability in the cosmetics supply chain. The industry faces a slew of challenges with sustainability, such as environmental and human rights issues, counterfeiting, an evolving regulatory landscape, changes in consumer behavior, and utilizing new technologies, and all affect their decisions and processes.

What is “sustainability”?

Before we get into cosmetics supply chain sustainability, let’s take a step back for a moment and talk about sustainability generally.

Sustainability might seem to be a relatively new concept, but it has been around since the 19th century, when some industries sought to improve working environments and create less pollution. In the 1960s, new laws and organizational bodies were introduced to address pollution in the United States and Europe.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) “is required under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) to evaluate all major agency actions to determine if they will have a significant impact on the human environment.” Federal agencies implement NEPA and evaluate the possibility for environmental impacts by condcuting categorical exclusions, environmental assessments, and environmental impact statements.

The European Commission says it “aims to ensure coherence between industrial, environmental, climate and energy policy to create an optimal business environment for sustainable growth, job creation and innovation.”

In 2015, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) adopted the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community Blueprint 2025, which “promotes and ensures balanced social development and sustainable environment that meet the needs of the peoples at all times.”

If you read our Global Cosmetics Market white paper, you’ll know why we used the United States, Europe, and Asia as examples: They’re the world’s top cosmetics markets — and their regulators are concerned about sustainability.

What is cosmetics supply chain sustainability?

Cosmetics supply chain sustainability addresses the environmental and human impact of products, from the sourcing and production of raw materials, through to manufacturing, packaging, distribution to the final customer, and post-consumer activities.

Increasingly, there are calls for cosmetics supply chain sustainability standards to be made mandatory. The European Parliament in March passed a resolution to tackle environmental and human rights in EU supply chains. This new Supply Chain Act will require organizations to integrate sustainability into corporate governance and management systems, and frame business decisions in terms of human rights, climate, and environmental impact.

The United States is yet to follow suit, but consumer groups are letting the government know they want tighter standards for the raw materials used in cosmetics.

Even without government mandates, organizations that want to burnish their environmental credentials would do well start with their supply chains. In a January 2021 report called Net Zero Challenge: The Supply Chain Opportunity, the World Economic Forum states that companies wanting to improve their environmental and social performance can look to their supply chains to make cost-effective improvements.

Environmentally responsible production: the rise of “Clean Beauty”

Much of the drive toward sustainability is coming from consumers, who want to know that ingredients are pure (or at the very least safe) and have been ethically sourced. For example, 62 percent of Generation Z consumers (born in the late 1990s) prefer to buy from sustainable brands, and 73 percent will pay more for sustainable products.

In the United States, where the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) from being used in cosmetics, there is mounting pressure for stricter regulations. For example, environmental and consumer advocate groups such as the Environmental Working Group (EWG) believe more chemicals should banned, like in the EU, where 1,300+ substances are prohibited from being used in cosmetics.

This is part of larger “Clean Beauty” movement that advocates for safe, clean ingredients and transparency in product labeling. According to a

Clean Beauty is also concerned with ethical sourcing of ingredients. Consumers want reassurance that their cosmetics are not linked to issues such as deforestation, pollution, and animal or child cruelty. The primary problem here is that a wide variety of cosmetic products use a few “core” ingredients, many of which pose unique challenges for achieving sustainability in the cosmetics supply chain. They are difficult to obtain sustainably and ethically, and child labor, poor working conditions, and illegal mining are common.

For example, a 2016 report from the Amsterdam-based nonprofit Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations (SOMO) found that more than 20,000 children are forced to work in mica mines while their families live in severe poverty. Similarly, palm oil, the global market for which is expected to reach $57.2 billion by 2026, has a history of human rights problems. Palm oil is used for moisturizing or texture effects.

As more companies stake their reputations on being sustainable and consumers become more aware and demanding, it’s certain that the call for cosmetics supply chain sustainability will only get stronger.

How can we achieve cosmetics supply chain sustainability?

As we’ve seen, cosmetics companies operate in a challenging environment where many groups — including consumers, perhaps their most important audience — are calling for them to achieve sustainability in their supply chains.

To be successful, they must be able to adapt to changes in the market as technology, product development, and consumer sentiment shape the industry. Whether it’s faster production methods, demand for new products, or desire for ethical and sustainable options, companies must be able to change with the market if they want to survive and succeed.

The key takeaway is that cosmetics supply chain sustainability is not a pipe dream. Technology and solutions exist right now to help companies evaluate their operations and identify strengths, weaknesses, and pain points and take corrective action. These include supply chain digitalization, cloud-based data systems, and real-time monitoring. For instance, a 2021 report by Gartner said that digitalization is a key enabler of agility because it supports a more transparent, automated, intelligent, and orchestrated end-to-end supply chain.

Final thoughts

Sustainability. Consumers want it. More and more regulators are demanding it. It’s good for the planet. It’s good for people. It’s a business best practice.

Is it difficult to attain sustainability? Yes and no. It is a process. It has a lot of moving parts that may require tough decisions. But if a company has the will to be sustainable, it can develop strategies, chart a course, and get to work … and reap the benefits.

Technology is essential for sustainability. rfxcel and Antares Vision Group are committed to helping companies meet their sustainability goals and empowering them to protect product, profit, people, and planet.

Our Traceability System enables you to see and follow everything in your supply chain in real time from virtually anywhere in the world. It makes every product a “digital asset” with a certified, sharable provenance that proves to consumers and regulators that your sustainability initiatives are real and working as intended. Its intuitive, scalable solutions can be used individually or as a complete platform to shepherd sustainability initiatives to completion and create end-to-end traceability, transparency, and visibility.

Contact us today to see how it works. And be sure to check out our other resources about the cosmetics industry, sustainability, and traceability:

Cosmetics Supply Chain Transparency for Business Value and Opportunity

Today, we’re looking at what cosmetics supply chain transparency means, why it matters, and how cosmetic companies can achieve it through the use of technology and gain much more than just a healthier bottom line.

Cosmetics supply chain transparency vs. traceability

Cosmetics supply chain transparency means the whole supply chain is visible, from raw materials, production, and packaging to delivery to retailers and, ultimately, consumers. A lack of transparency in complex supply chains that move billions of products can cause significant risks to both consumer and product owner.

Transparency results from creating a full, shareable, fact-based profile of every aspect of the supply chain. It is a means for companies to support its claims (e.g., product provenance, sustainability, ethical sourcing) and tell the world, “We are what we say we are.” In this way, transparency is a strategic concept — one more and more cosmetic companies are adopting because of its significant benefits for operational efficiency, consumer engagement, brand protection, and profitability.

Traceability most often concerns individual products and aggregations (e.g., boxes, cartons, pallets) and observing/monitoring them as they make their way through the supply chain. It is a means to identify, follow, and verify what’s in your supply chain, as well as comply with regulations that mandate traceability through serialization and digitalization.

Cosmetics supply chain transparency for business value

It’s the global cosmetics market will grow from $287.94 billion in 2021 to $415.29 billion in 2028. Indeed, there are signs the market is booming. For example, L’Oréal, the world’s largest beauty brand, reported record profits last year, with CEO Nicolas Hieronimus, recently commenting, “2021 was a historic year for L’Oréal … Over two years, the Group achieved growth of +11.3 percent like-for-like, spectacularly outperforming a market that had returned almost to 2019 levels.”

The other leading cosmetics brands also did well in 2021. Unilever reported just over $24 billion in beauty and personal care sales, and Estée Lauder had $16.2 billion in sales, an increase of 13 percent over last year.

The “Big 3” of the cosmetics industry have something in common other than strong market performance: Each is committed to transparency and puts it front and center in their business strategy and mission. For example, L’Oréal held a virtual “Transparency Summit” last year, Unilever equates transparency with “integrity,” and Estée Lauder has a dedicated supply chain transparency page on its website.

Transparency and risk management

Despite the opportunity for growth, however, global supply chain challenges can threaten a company’s ability to satisfy growing consumer demand. We all know about the supply chain weaknesses revealed during the pandemic, including overreliance on manufacturing hubs and shipping bottlenecks, not to mention changes in consumer expectations and the way they want to buy and interact with cosmetics.

In a rapidly evolving landscape of tougher regulations, ongoing supply chain uncertainty, increased consumer expectations, and brand risk, transparency has become foundational for success.

Regulatory compliance. Cosmetics regulations vary around the world. For instance, laws in the EU are much broader than in the United States. Generally, however, companies are responsible for making sure their cosmetics are safe, properly labeled, and comply with the regulations that apply to them.

Furthermore, more and more regulatory bodies are calling for modernization via the adoption of digital technologies to ensure products are safe and that companies are able to remain compliant as regulations evolve. Cosmetics supply chain transparency (and traceability) is crucial to compliance. Read our “Global Cosmetics Market” white paper to learn more about regulations in key markets and how technology is driving the industry.

Counterfeits and fakes. And as we’ve written before, counterfeiting is a big problem for the cosmetics industry. Fake products endanger consumers’ health. They can contain toxic substances such bacteria, animal waste, and carcinogenic substances (e.g., lead).

Counterfeits and fakes also damage profits. In “Global Trade in Fakes: A Worrying Threat” (June 2021), the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) reported that the global value of counterfeits and pirated goods amounted to as much as $464 billion in 2019, or 2.5 percent of world trade.

Brand reputations are also jeopardized by counterfeits. One bad (or very bad) experience can send customers to your competitors and tarnish your image, especially as consumers broadcast their opinions online. Our brand protection series talks more about counterfeits. It’s a real problem that every industry must contend with.

Diversion, theft, and gray markets. The complexity of global supply chains makes it possible for products to end up in markets where they shouldn’t be. Unauthorized or unofficial distribution channels shepherd expired, damaged, or otherwise compromised goods to unauthorized third-party sellers that consumers may think are legitimate. A product bound for Asia winds up in the United Kingdom.

Transparency is not a singular solution for these problems, but it is an indispensable facet of a coordinated, integrated supply chain management strategy to mitigate risk and create real business value.

Mainstreaming sustainability and ESG reporting

As we’ve noted, consumers are demanding more information about the products they purchase; they want to know that ingredients have been ethically sourced and are safe. They want a trust-based relationship with their brands — and if they don’t get it, they’ll happily take their business elsewhere.

This means cosmetics companies must be vigilant and forthcoming about everything in their operations, from their labor standards and how they source raw materials to packaging and other fundamentals of their supply chains. In response, environmental, social, and governance (ESG) reporting has become more prevalent.

ESG reporting measures a company’s social and environmental performance through its supply chain and operations. Cosmetics companies are under pressure, not least from consumers, to reduce their environmental and social impact, set up monitoring systems, use sustainable materials, and publish their social credentials. In this way, ESG reporting is part of cosmetics supply chain transparency.

Or, more accurately, cosmetics supply chain transparency enables effective, accurate ESG reporting.

Leading cosmetics companies are now using ESG reporting, or some form of it, as a strategic tool to monitor their success in sustainability. For example, in 2021, L’Oréal implemented “L’Oréal for the Future,” its sustainability program for 2030. Without mincing words, it prioritizes transparency in product manufacturing, transport, the sourcing and quality of ingredients, sustainability, and more:

“Our commitments towards 2030 mark the beginning of a more radical transformation and embody our view as to what a company’s vision, purpose and responsibilities should be to meet the challenges facing the world.”

Ironically, ESG has enabled some bad players to essentially fake their declarations of transparency and sustainability. It’s called “greenwashing,” when “a company purports to be environmentally conscious for marketing purposes but actually isn’t making any notable sustainability efforts.” Greenwashing is the antithesis of transparency. It’s unethical, and companies that engage in it never intend to meet or quantify their stated transparency, sustainability, and ESG claims.

We’ll be talking more about cosmetics supply chain sustainability tomorrow. Be sure to visit our blog for that.

Final thoughts

Cosmetics supply chain transparency benefits consumers and brand owners alike. For consumers, it means products are safe and legitimate, comply with regulations, and demonstrably rise to the company’s sustainability and ESG goals. For brand owners, transparency offers greater operational efficiencies, mitigates common supply chain risks, and creates opportunities to burnish their reputations, engage with consumers, and tell them with certainty that your products and processes are what you say they are.

Is it difficult to attain transparency? No. Our Traceability System enables companies to follow everything in their supply chains in real time from virtually anywhere in the world. It makes every product a “digital asset” with a certified, provable, and sharable provenance. Its intuitive, scalable solutions can be used individually or as a complete platform to create transparency and end-to-end supply chain traceability and visibility. rfxcel and Antares Vision Group are committed to bringing transparency to all supply chains. We can show you how we do it in about 15 minutes, so contact us to schedule a demo.

And if you’re interested in a transparency case study of sorts, read our global seafood “Transparency Trilogy.” What’s true for seafood is true for cosmetics: Its supply chain reaches into remote areas and involves vulnerable populations and threatened resources.

Understanding FDA DSCSA Guidance for the Pharmaceutical Industry

The Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA) was passed 10 years ago in November 2013. Congress created the legislation to secure the U.S. pharmaceutical supply chain through unit-level product identification (serialization) and electronic exchange of product information.

Over the years, the FDA has issued updates and revised DSCSA guidance for manufacturers, dispensers, wholesale distributors, and other pharma stakeholders. If your products and/or operations are regulated by the law, it is vital to remain aware of requirements, changes, and deadlines.

Let’s explore the DSCSA guidance and requirements and what the FDA has done in recent years.

What Is the DSCSA?

Created as Title II of the Drug Quality and Security Act (DQSA), passed by Congress in November 2013, the DSCSA is an initiative to prevent the introduction and distribution of counterfeit, stolen, contaminated, or otherwise harmful drugs in the United States. It outlines steps to build an interoperable electronic system to identify and trace prescription drugs as they are distributed throughout the country.

Who Must Comply with the DSCSA?

Manufacturers, wholesale distributors, repackagers, dispensers (i.e., pharmacies, healthcare systems), and third-party logistics providers (3PLs) all have requirements with which they must comply.

Recent DSCSA Guidance Updates

Recently, the most notable action from the FDA was its announcement in August 2023 that it was delaying by one year enforcement of key DSCSA requirements. This “extended stabilization period” moves the enforcement date to November 27, 2024.

This DSCSA guidance primarily affects manufacturers, wholesale distributors, dispensers, and repackagers; delayed enforcement pertains to product identifiers (PIs) at the package level; saleable returns; interoperable, electronic product tracing; and investigating suspect and illegitimate products.

Though this gives the industry more time to comply, the Agency has made it clear that the postponement doesn’t amount to a grace period. It said the stabilization period was “not intended to provide, and should not be viewed as providing, a justification for delaying efforts by trading partners to implement the enhanced drug distribution security requirements.”

You can read the FDA’s official document about the stabilization period here.

Other Noteworthy DSCSA Guidance Updates

July 25, 2022: The FDA published a proposed rule, “Revising the National Drug Code Format and Drug Label Barcode Requirements.” The National Drug Code, or NDC, is the Agency’s “standard for uniquely identifying drugs marketed in the United States.” The codes are usually found on product labeling and might be part of the universal product code (UPC). Read more about the NDC and what the FDA said here.

October 23, 2021: In a policy document, the FDA announced it was delaying enforcement of key requirements to verify saleable returns. It also included guidance for wholesale distributors concerning transaction statements under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act).

The timeline below provides an at-a-glance view of DSCSA guidance as the law has been rolled out over the last decade.

A timeline showing key dates of the U.S. Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA) from 2013 to 2024

DSCSA Guidance in Context, Today

The stabilization period announced in August 2023 did not, in fact, change the original compliance deadline of November 27, 2023; it is up to individual states to decide if they’re going to enforce the requirements before November 2024.

However, the FDA said extending enforcement will give supply chain stakeholders the extra time that may be necessary “to continue to develop and refine appropriate systems and processes to conduct interoperable, electronic tracing at the package level, to achieve robust supply chain security under the DSCSA while helping ensure continued patient access to prescription drugs.”

What DSCSA Requirements Are in Effect Right Now?

It follows from what we just said that there is DSCSA guidance in effect right now. Some digressions are prohibited per the FD&C Act and can be enforced — with consequences ranging from product seizure to fines to imprisonment. Both federal and state authorities may take action against DSCSA violations.

What Was Enforceable Before Nov. 27, 2023?

Here are a few regulations that can be enforced now. For a full list, see the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy’s (NABP’s) excellent article here. (And also be sure to read about how we were the first DSCSA solution provider to join NABP’s Pulse Interoperable Partner Program. Learn more here!)

  • All trading partners must be authorized trading partners (ATPs) and can only buy, sell, or trade with other ATPs.
  • ATPs must be able to identify and manage suspect and illegitimate products.
  • A product identifier (PI) must be placed on all regulated drug packages and homogenous cases — except for grandfathered products or products with an FDA waiver, exception, or exemption.
  • ATPs must provide certain information about a drug and who handled it each time it’s sold: transaction information (TI), transaction statement (TS), and transaction history (TH).

What Went into Effect on Nov. 27, 2023?

The November 2023 deadline was when enhanced security requirements went into effect. We’ve written extensively about this for years (in our recently updated DSCSA white paper, for example), but here’s a summary of what companies must do to comply:

  • Exchange TI and TS securely, electronically, and interoperably. TI must include each package’s unique identifier.
  • Verify PIs at the package level.
  • Respond to appropriate tracing requests and trace products at the package level (serialization).
  • Associate saleable returns with the TI and TS associated with its initial sale.

Final Thoughts About DSCSA Guidance

So what’s the upshot of all this information? It’s simple: Don’t stop preparing.

Use your extra time during the stabilization period to evaluate your systems, communicate and coordinate with your trading partners, and — importantly — ensure you’re working with a solution provider that knows the DSCSA guidance inside and out.

If you have questions about the DSCSA or are concerned that your current provider may not have the tools you need to comply, we encourage you to contact us today to speak with one of our DSCSA experts. We are committed to meeting DSCSA compliance for all our customers in a timely manner.

Why FDA Food Traceability Regulations Are a Business Opportunity

It’s going to be a busy couple of years for the food industry as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) formalizes key parts of its plan to modernize and further secure the U.S. food supply chain. The next milestone for FDA food traceability regulations is just four months away, so let’s take a look at the requirements — and why food companies should embrace them as an opportunity to improve their businesses.

But first, if you’re intrigued by the idea that opportunities are “hiding” in the FDA food traceability regulations, join us for our “Safety, Regulatory Compliance & Beyond: Leveraging Traceability to Optimize the Food & Beverage Supply Chain” webinar on Wednesday, August 10, at 1 p.m. EST. Our experts will break down the “whys” and “hows” of traceability, discuss the real-world applications and value-adds, and take your questions.

Recap of FDA food traceability regulations & upcoming deadlines

Here’s a quick rundown of what’s on the table and upcoming deadlines.

Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA)

      • Signed into law on Jan. 4, 2011
      • Aims to ensure the food supply is safe by shifting the focus to preventing contamination rather than responding to it
      • Applies to human food as well as to food for animals, including pets

Proposed Rule (FSMA 204)

      • Establishes additional traceability recordkeeping requirements for people who manufacture, process, pack, or hold foods on the Food Traceability List
      • Food Traceability List contains foods with additional traceability recordkeeping requirements (see table below)
      • Stakeholders to establish and maintain records with key data elements (KDEs) associated with different critical tracking events (CTEs)

Key dates

      • Nov. 7, 2022: FDA to finalize and submit the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Proposed Rule to the Federal Register
      • January 2023: Proposed Rule goes into effect
      • Jan. 6, 2025: Deadline for full compliance

The FDA has also launched the New Era of Smarter Food Safety and an accompanying New Era of Smarter Food Safety Blueprint, which envision a modern approach to ensuring food safety through digital, tech-enabled traceability. Get more details in our blog here.

FDA food traceability regulations: What to know now and how to seize opportunities

This is really just a preview of our August 10 webinar about leveraging traceability. We’ll touch on a few key points below; sign up for the webinar to take a deep dive.

Just the facts

The FSMA 204 deadlines are set. You’ll have to be fully compliant in about two years, so the time to prepare is now.

The Food Traceability List is a living document. More and more food items are sure to be added over time.

The FDA is committed to modernizing and securing the U.S. food supply chain. Expect the Agency to continue promoting (and regulating) traceability in a digital supply chain. This includes improving recall management.

Where’s the opportunity?

End-to-end traceability makes everything better. With the right solution, you’ll not only be compliant — you’ll make your supply chain faster, leaner, and more cost-effective.

“1-up, 1-down” is useful, but antiquated. Today, 1-up, 1-down traceability is merely a facet of end-to-end traceability (and visibility and transparency) in a digital supply chain. The right solutions transform your supply chain into an ecosystem that optimizes operations and creates opportunity and value beyond the point of sale.

Serialization is the building block of compliance — and added value. Serialization turns every product into a “digital asset” that can be traced in real time from virtually any location, yielding practical benefits to your operations. But these digital assets can accomplish much, much more, including brand protection and consumer engagement.

Traceability enables precise, targeted recall management — which means better outcomes for your brand. We’ve all heard the statistic that the average food recall costs $10 million. With traceability, you can locate specific items quickly, identify where they came from (e.g., grower, warehouse), take clear, decisive action to remove only those items from circulation, and protect consumers and your reputation.

Traceability in a digital supply chain means less clutter — literally. Do you have nightmares about back rooms full of boxes stuffed with paperwork? Traceability turns your nightmare into an operational dream. Get rid of all the paper and gain the power to quickly dial up any document, any time, from any location, including from mobile devices.

Traceability and added value

Traceability is the key to keeping consumers happy and inspired. Consumers are thinking deeply about the things they buy — where they come from and what goes into making them. They also expect to interact with the brands they trust. We wrote way back in October 2020 that supply chain traceability was building a new kind of consumer kingdom; it was true then, it’s true today, and it will be true tomorrow.

The era of digital assets and smart products is here. Products are no longer just products. With serialization and traceability, products are gateways to experiences. They’re beacons to broadcast information. They are conduits for hyper-targeted and hyper-personalized consumer engagement.

Final thoughts

FDA food traceability regulations are center stage in FSMA, the Food Traceability Proposed Rule (FSMA 204), the Food Traceability List, and the New Era of Smarter Food Safety. The deadlines are coming and you should be preparing.

But now you know that savvy companies will see traceability as more than a compliance mandate from the government — they’ll see it as a technology that creates a universe of opportunities for their businesses and brands.

Companies that are thinking only about the mechanics of complying with FDA food traceability regulations will miss these opportunities to be proactive about ensuring food safety and quality, reducing  risks, protecting and building their brands, and leveraging every single product to connect with individual consumers in exciting, meaningful ways.

We don’t want you to miss these opportunities. To get started, sign up for our food traceability webinar to see how traceability works and how it delivers value.

Next, contact us to schedule a short demo of our food and beverage solutions, including our award-winning Traceability System and Mobile Traceability App. In about 15 minutes, our supply chain experts will show you how we create end-to-end traceability in a fully interoperable digital supply chain that’s visible anytime, anywhere.

Last, take a look at our other food traceability materials, some FDA links, and our shortened version of the Food Traceability List.

Our FSMA & Food Traceability Resources

Other FDA Resources

Food Traceability List

FDA Food Traceability List