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Indonesia Track and Trace Regulations: What They Mean for the Pharma Industry

Indonesia track and trace regulations are designed to prevent counterfeit, stolen, contaminated, or otherwise harmful drugs from entering the supply chain. The goal is to protect consumers and increase patient safety, as well as boost Indonesia’s competitiveness in the pharma global pharma industry.

The National Agency of Drug and Food Control (BPOM) began rolling out regulations in 2018. In 2022, it established provisions and procedures for implementing 2D DataMatrix codes for drug and food products. The country’s digital platform is called the Track and Trace Anti-Counterfeit (TTAC) system.

Key regulations went into effect in 2023; the next big deadlines are set for 2025 and 2027. So let’s take a closer look at Indonesia track and trace regulations and what they mean for the pharma industry.

Indonesia’s Pharma Market in Context

At the time of writing, Indonesia’s population is approaching 279 million — the fourth largest in the world. It’s no surprise, then, that the sprawling archipelago is the largest pharmaceutical market in Southeast Asia.

According to Business Indonesia, sales of medicines in 2020 were valued at about $7.6 billion (110.6 trillion rupiah); this is expected to increase to more than $11 billion (176 trillion rupiah) by 2025. In terms of U.S. dollars, this equates to a compound annual growth rate of 10.7 percent.

Furthermore, the Indonesian government is making significant investments in the country’s healthcare system. The same Business Indonesia article reported that healthcare spending in 2022 accounted for 9.4 percent of the total government budget.

In this context, Indonesia is seeking to expand and open its pharmaceutical sector to foreign participation and investment. Pharma companies that already have an in-country presence or that want to enter the market must fully understand — and comply with — Indonesia track and trace regulations.

The Framework of Indonesia Track and Trace Regulations

Most of today’s global pharma compliance requirements have a few things in common:

      • Companies must register products with a country’s regulatory body.
      • Companies must send compliance information to a centralized system (e.g., a portal or website like Indonesia’s TTAC).
      • Products must be labeled in a manner that identifies them at the unit level (i.e., serialization) and/or a “higher” level, such as a pallet or case (i.e., aggregation).
      • Regulators prefer GS1 labeling standards [e.g., 2D DataMatrix codes, Global Trade Item Numbers (GTINs), and Serial Shipping Container Codes (SSCCs)]. Read our Understanding GS1 Barcodes in the Global Supply Chain article for a comprehensive overview of these standards.

Indonesia track and trace regulations follow this basic framework:


Imported and locally produced medicines must be registered with the BPOM before they can be distributed. Pharma companies must have a local business agent or partner to register products, and it’s advisable to obtain all permissions before exporting products to Indonesia.


The BPOM requires all medicines sold in Indonesia to be labeled for identification, and upcoming regulations will further require products to be labeled for authentication. The BPOM uses GS1 standards.

Identification Barcodes

Starting on December 7, 2023, traditional medicines and over-the-counter drugs — as well as cosmetics, supplements, processed foods, and some raw materials — were required to be labeled with a QR code that identifies the product in the market and verifies that it’s legal. For products that do not have to be serialized, this is the only marking required.

Identification codes must contain a Marketing Authorization Number and an NIE, or Nomor Izin Edar, which can be translated as “distribution permit number,” both issued by the BPOM. Alphanumeric NIEs provide master product data, including where the product was manufactured, and allow verification through a database called Cek Produk BPOM (“Check BPOM Products,” roughly).

Authentication Barcodes

December 7, 2025, is the deadline for serializing and labeling narcotics and psychotropics (e.g., antipsychotics and antidepressants) with a 2D DataMatrix code. By December 7, 2027, all prescription drugs, including biological products, must be serialized and authenticated. Aggregation, following GS1 standards, is also required.

The authentication codes must contain the following information:

      • A GS1 Global Trade Item Number (GTIN)
      • A Marketing Authorization Number from the BPOM
      • A production code or batch number
      • An expiration date
      • A serial number

Companies can obtain codes from the BPOM or from an independent source.

Some products/packs are exempt from the authentication requirement. These include blister packs, strip packs, pre-filled syringes, stick packs, single packaging, and catch covers.

Other Indonesia Track and Trace Regulations: Distribution

The BPOM has other requirements coming into effect between 2024 and 2026:

      • December 7, 2024: Distribution centers with minimum stock keeping units (SKUs) of 1,500 serialized products must submit reports to the BPOM.
      • December 7, 2025: “Second-tier” distribution centers (min. 750 serialized products) must submit reports to BPOM. Note that this coincides with the deadline for serializing and labeling narcotics and psychotropics.
      • December 7, 2026: “Third-tier” distribution centers (min. 400 serialized products) must submit reports to BPOM. This applies to certain categories of pharmacies or clinics.

Electronic Leaflet Pilot (2023-2025)

A pilot for electronic leaflets (e-leaflets) began in July 2023 and is scheduled to conclude in July 2025. Wanting to transition from a paper-based system, the BPOM plans to develop a dedicated mobile app for scanning a single code (likely the mandated GS1 2D DataMatrix code) that will take users to information online. The pilot is being conducted in three phases:

      • Phase I for vaccines and injections (completed)
      • Phase II for prescription drugs, including vaccines and injections (completed)
      • Phase III for over-the-counter and prescription drugs, including vaccines and injections (in progress)

Final Thoughts About Indonesia Track and Trace Regulations

As we said above, Indonesia is seeking to expand and open its pharmaceutical sector to foreign participation and investment. Pharma companies that already have an in-country presence or that want to enter the market must fully understand — and comply with — Indonesia track and trace regulations.

This is where we can help. Our solutions for global pharma compliance will help ensure you’re prepared for Indonesia’s requirements for product identification, serialization, and aggregation.

It’s all part of our 20-year commitment to protecting patients, combatting counterfeit drugs, and securing supply chains. Our solutions report into all global government agencies, help ensure you meet your regulatory obligations, and protect products and people everywhere you do business. Contact us today to learn how it works!



EPCIS DSCSA Exceptions Handling: What Is It and Why Is Everyone Talking About It?

Just a little over four months into the FDA’s DSCSA extended stabilization period and with the clock ticking down to the November 27, 2024, compliance deadline, EPCIS DSCSA exceptions handling is top-of-mind in the pharma industry.

But why? Let’s take a look at EPCIS DSCSA exceptions handling and how we can deal with it to ensure DSCSA compliance.

EPCIS DSCSA Exceptions Handling Keeps Your Products Flowing

The DSCSA requires the interoperable, electronic exchange of serialized product data. Specifically, trading partners must exchange Transaction Information (TI) and Transaction Statement (TS) data every time a regulated drug changes hands.

Exceptions are errors that may occur when partners exchange this data using EPCIS. If there’s an exception, the product cannot move forward in the supply chain, which means it won’t reach patients and consumers in a timely manner. Furthermore, if exceptions aren’t resolved quickly, a product could be considered suspect or illegitimate.

This is why EPCIS DSCSA exceptions handling is top-of-mind for the pharmaceutical industry.

Given the complex nature of securely exchanging serialized product data, it’s logical to expect exceptions, especially in the early days of enforcement. The Healthcare Distribution Alliance (HDA) has identified six categories of EPCIS DSCSA exceptions:

      1. Data Issues
      2. Damaged Products
      3. Product, No Data
      4. Data, No Product
      5. Packaging
      6. Product Hold

Exceptions have been on the HDA’s radar for years. At its Traceability Online Seminar in November 2021, for example, industry leaders discussed establishing standards for dealing with exceptions. They also discussed example scenarios, such as overages as a “Product, No Data” exception. In this scenario, a downstream trading partner might have 16 cases arrive at its facility but receive EPCIS data for only 15 of those cases. How does it notify the manufacturer? How does the manufacturer correct the TI so the case can be removed from quarantine and be on its way?

The message is clear: Trading partners must focus on building a system that quickly communicates and resolves data issues so products can keep moving.

Note: Also remember that the DSCSA requires all partners to be authorized trading partners (ATPs). This isn’t necessarily relevant to our discussion today, but it’s a critical part of compliance.

EPCIS DSCSA Exceptions Handling Solutions: Communication and Collaboration

The most important thing to remember about dealing with exceptions is that trading partners must communicate and collaborate. You are not working in a vacuum, and there is not a “lone wolf” solution for exceptions handling.

Herein lies the challenge. The communication infrastructure in the pharma supply chain — emails, online portals, phone calls, and so on — wasn’t designed with DSCSA compliance in mind, let alone dealing with exceptions handling in an interoperable, electronic data-exchange system.

So, in order for an EPCIS DSCSA exceptions handling solution to be effective, it must be built on a foundation of fast, targeted, and precise communication between/among the right people. In the overages example above, this would mean the trading partner that received the extra case would know exactly who to contact at the manufacturer, what information to share with that person, and how long it would take to fix the data error.

Are You Ready for EPCIS DSCSA Exceptions Handling?

The FDA’s extended stabilization period has given the pharmaceutical industry an additional year to prepare for the full serialization of the U.S. drug supply chain, including being able to deal with EPCIS DSCSA exceptions handling.

This is good news for everyone. But you have to use this time to ask yourself the tough questions:

      • Do you have systems up and running?
      • Are you testing your systems?
      • Are you communicating and collaborating with all of your trading partners?
      • Are you complying with the DSCSA requirements that are enforceable right now?
      • Are you working with a solution provider that fully understands your role in the supply chain, your product(s), your business, and your DSCSA compliance needs?
      • Are you going to be ready for November 27, 2024?

We are here to help. We have led on the DSCSA since rollout began in 2014. Today, we’re working with the industry to develop a collaborative approach to exceptions handling using GS1-based error correction.

Don’t let bad data disrupt your business. Contact us today to learn more. We’ll ensure you receive compliant data from your trading partners, quickly resolve data quality issues, and keep your products moving.

FDA Postpones Enforcement of Key DSCSA Requirements to November 27, 2024

In a guidance document published on Friday, August 25, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced that it was delaying by one year enforcement of key requirements under the Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA). This “extended stabilization period” moves the enforcement date to November 27, 2024.

The guidance is primarily for manufacturers, wholesale distributors, dispensers, and repackagers; delayed enforcement pertains to product identifiers at the package level; saleable returns; interoperable, electronic product tracing; and investigating suspect and illegitimate products. We provide the specifics below.

The key takeaway: Don’t stop preparing for the DSCSA requirements. If you have questions about the DSCSA delay or are concerned that your current provider may not have the tools you need to comply, we encourage you to contact us today to speak with one of our DSCSA experts. We are committed to meeting DSCSA compliance for all our customers in a timely manner.

And if you’re going to the Healthcare Distribution Alliance (HDA) 2023 Traceability Seminar in Washington, D.C., stop by Table-Top 21 to meet our team and talk about the developments in person. Click here to learn more.

Overall FDA rationale for the DSCSA delay

The FDA said extending enforcement will give supply chain stakeholders — particularly manufacturers, wholesale distributors, dispensers, and repackagers — the extra time that may be necessary “to continue to develop and refine appropriate systems and processes to conduct interoperable, electronic tracing at the package level, to achieve robust supply chain security under the DSCSA while helping ensure continued patient access to prescription drugs.”

Furthermore, the Agency said, “additional time beyond November 27, 2023, may be needed for systems to stabilize and be fully interoperable for accurate, secure, and timely electronic data exchange.”

What DSCSA requirements are affected?

Product identifiers

The requirement. Trading partners must include the product identifier at the package level for each package in a transaction into the transaction information. Furthermore, a product’s manufacturer or repackager must incorporate the PI at the package level for each package “introduced in a transaction into commerce.” These requirements are included in section 582(g)(1)(B) of the Food, Drug, and Cosmetics Act (FD&C Act).

Reasoning for DSCSA delay. The FDA said the delay will “accommodate the additional time (beyond November 27, 2023) that may be needed by trading partners to achieve compliance and to help ensure continued access to prescription drugs as trading partners continue to refine processes” to include the PI at the package level. Furthermore, the FDA said “this policy will facilitate the use and exhaustion of product supply already in the supply chain prior to November 27, 2024.”

What is a PI? The PI is a standardized graphic that contains, in both human-readable form and on a machine-readable data carrier, four data elements:

      1. National Drug Code (NDC)
      2. Serial number
      3. Lot number
      4. Expiration date

Saleable returns

The requirement. Each person accepting a saleable return must have systems and processes in place to allow acceptance of the product. Furthermore, they may accept saleable returns only if they can associate the product with its transaction information — including the PI — and transaction statement. These requirements are included in section 582(g)(1)(F) of the FD&C Act.

Reasoning for DSCSA delay. FDA said delaying enforcement of this requirement until November 27, 2024, will “facilitate the continued use of methods currently being used by wholesale distributors for associating a saleable return product with its applicable transaction information and transaction statement while accommodating the additional time that may be needed for all trading partners to mature the new systems and processes required for acceptance of saleable returns.”

Interoperable, electronic product tracing at the package level

The requirement. Transaction information and transaction statements must be exchanged in a secure, interoperable, electronic manner. This requirement is included in section 582(g)(1)(C) of the FD&C Act; the standards for exchange are established under section 582(h) of the DSCSA.

Furthermore, systems and processes for verifying products at the package level, including the standardized numerical identifier, must meet the standards established in DSCSA section 582(a)(2) and the guidance in DSCSA section 582(h).

Reasoning for DSCSA delay. The FDA these policies will allow trading partners to continue to provide, capture, and maintain data for the data exchange for product tracing and verification while providing additional time that may be needed to “continue to develop and refine systems and processes for electronic data exchange.”

Investigating suspect and illegitimate products

The requirement. In the even of a recall or to help investigate a suspect or illegitimate product, stakeholders must be able to promptly provide product transaction information and transaction statement when requested by the FDA secretary or other appropriate federal or state official. This requirement is included in section 582(g)(1)(D) of the FD&C Act.

Furthermore, Section 582(g)(1)(E) of the FD&C Act requires stakeholders to “produce the transaction information for each transaction going back to the manufacturer” in certain situations, including a recall or investigating a suspect product or an illegitimate product.

Reasoning for DSCSA delay. FDA believes these compliance policies will facilitate the continued use of methods currently being used by trading partners to respond to the type of requests for information described above while accommodating the additional time that may be needed for trading partners to mature the new systems and processes required for such activities under section 582(g)(1)(D) and (E) of the FD&C Act.

The Power of Supply Chain Visibility Tools: Revolutionizing Efficiency and Transparency

Today’s businesses work all over the world. Companies need sophisticated tools to track and monitor products as they move through the supply chain. Learn more about supply chain visibility tools and solutions in this guide from Antares Vision Group and rfxcel.

Understanding Supply Chain Visibility Tools

At its core, supply chain visibility is the ability to track raw materials, individual parts, and finished products, regardless of where they are located or what phase of production they are in. Visibility and connectivity are critical in modern supply chain management, as suppliers and distributors can be located in different regions or even different countries. Businesses use supply chain planning software to monitor orders in transit, reduce lead times, and send notifications to stakeholders.

Supply chain traceability systems help companies monitor each step of product manufacturing and shipping. These tools can identify weaknesses or communication breakdowns, plan for inventory shortages and procurement needs, and resolve minor issues before they become bigger supply chain disruptions. Plus, these tools improve accountability and transparency throughout a business, including with partners. Ultimately, the goal of using these tools is to optimize operational efficiency and supply chain performance.

Benefits of Supply Chain Visibility Tools

Implementing supply chain traceability software offers many benefits:

  • Monitor products: Companies have access to real-time tracking and monitoring of their inventory, orders, and shipments.
  • Traceability: Individual products and shipments can be traced from start to finish, helping to ensure orders arrive on time.
  • Efficiency: With real-time visibility tools, supply chain managers can improve demand forecasting, allow for better inventory management, and minimize inefficiencies.
  • Better business relationships: Companies can enhance their collaboration and communication with suppliers and other providers over the long term.
  • Risk management: With visibility tools, companies can identify supply chain issues and address them head-on, lowering their risk profile and improving their relationships with consumers and service providers.

Key Features of Supply Chain Visibility Software and Tools

Most supply chain management tools have a few key features in common. These include:

  • Real-time supply chain visibility: Shipments can be geolocated and monitored at each stage of supply chain processes, allowing for tracking and tracing in real time.
  • Inventory visibility: Companies can monitor and manage inventory levels at each business location through user-friendly dashboards.
  • Data analytics and reporting: Visibility software collects and analyzes data to provide actionable, real-time insights and streamline supply chain operations. This can help improve order management and planning for replenishment as needed.
  • Collaboration and communication: Visibility tools make it easier for employees across the supply chain to communicate with each other and with trading partners and other stakeholders. This helps break down departmental silos.

Implementing Supply Chain Visibility Solutions

With so many different ways to approach supply chain visibility, it can be difficult to know where to start. Be intentional in your implementation process to reduce pushback:

  • Assess: Start by evaluating your supply chain requirements and current pain points. What’s working well, and what isn’t?
  • Evaluate: Create a list of functionality requirements for your supply chain visibility software. Compare available tools against your set of needs to select the right supply chain visibility tool for your business.
  • Implement: Integrate the tool you choose with your existing systems and data sources so you’re not reinventing the wheel.
  • Train: Set aside ample time for onboarding employees who will be using the new system.

Best Practices for Utilizing Supply Chain Visibility Tools

When it comes to global supply chain visibility platforms, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. Whether you choose a cloud-based SaaS application or an on-premise platform, there are a few best practices that can make the implementation process smoother:

  • Define clear objectives and metrics for measuring success at your organization.
  • Establish standardized data formats and processes across the entire supply chain.
  • Encourage collaboration and information sharing among all logistics service partners and other third parties.
  • Continuously monitor your tracking processes to improve data quality and workflows.

Ensuring Data Security and Privacy in Supply Chain Visibility

Although sharing real-time data with outside partners and shippers can improve supply chain efficiency and optimization, it also carries a degree of inherent risk. Ensuring data security and protecting your privacy, as well as that of your customers, is paramount.

Look for visibility software that offers high-level, customizable security settings. You should implement secure data-sharing protocols and access controls across all supplier, manufacturer, and distributor partnerships. Any third party that your business works with must know how to comply with the relevant data protection regulations for your sector, such as the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

The Future of End-to-End Supply Chain Visibility Tools

As artificial intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) technology improve, companies will have even more granular control over the supply chain ecosystem and can incorporate automation. Predictive analytics and machine learning have the potential to help with proactive decision-making to improve demand planning and reduce transportation management challenges. Additionally, as more and more industries adopt blockchain technology, companies will be better equipped to minimize fraud and waste.

Find the Best Supply Chain Visibility Software

To stay competitive in today’s dynamic market landscape, businesses need customizable, sophisticated enterprise resource planning (ERP) tools that drive efficiency and improve customer satisfaction. Antares Vision Group provides tailored solutions to improve supply chain management, prioritizing efficiency without sacrificing quality.

Our software offers end-to-end visibility, providing traceability at each step with an eye toward sustainability. We even offer blockchain-based supply chain traceability solutions. Our solutions work with pharmaceutical, food, beverage, and consumer goods companies all over the world. For more information about our supply chain visibility platform, contact rfxcel today.

Compliance Management Solutions: Ensuring Regulatory Compliance and Risk Mitigation

Does your business have effective compliance management solutions and risk management solutions in place? In a constantly changing regulatory landscape, companies need sophisticated tools to manage their governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) efforts and reduce their risk exposure. Learn about compliance management implementation and best practices in this guide from rfxcel.

Understanding Compliance Management Solutions

Compliance management refers to the set of policies and procedures that an organization uses to ensure adherence to the laws and regulations that govern their industry. Compliance management solutions aim to:

  • Identify and prevent violations
  • Improve business practices
  • Build and maintain consumer confidence
  • Ensure ethical behavior in the industry

Compliance requirements vary by sector and country. For example, in the United States pharmaceutical companies must adhere to the Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA) and in the European Union they’re bound by the Falsified Medicines Directive (EU FMD). Food companies in the United States must comply with rules under the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA).

Regulatory compliance is a requirement, not a goal. Businesses that are found to be out of compliance can face harsh consequences, including corporate sanctions and government-issued fines. Plus, they run the risk of damaging their reputation and losing customers. Non-compliance can also result in costly corrective actions, such as recalling a product.

Many companies now rely on software solutions to manage and centralize their compliance efforts. Compliance software offers tracking and audit tools to ensure business practices align with applicable laws and regulations. This helps reduce manual errors and provides ongoing monitoring throughout the organization.

Benefits of Compliance Management Solutions

In addition to ensuring adherence to industry regulations and standards, effective compliance management solutions offer a range of benefits, including:

  • Reduced risk: Effective management processes minimize the legal and financial risks associated with non-compliance.
  • Efficiency: Compliance management software can streamline routine tasks and reduce manual processes, freeing up staff to focus on other priorities.
  • Security: A good compliance solution will also have safeguards in place to protect data privacy and improve cybersecurity.
  • Cost savings: A risk and compliance solution can flag risks before they cause financial implications.

Key Features of Compliance Management Solutions

If your business is in the market for a new compliance management platform, look for a solution that includes these features:

  • Compliance tracking and monitoring: Your software should manage a centralized repository of the relevant regulations and requirements for your industry.
  • Policy management: Compliance management solutions can help teams develop, update, and communicate standardized policies across your organization.
  • Risk assessment and mitigation: Proactive identification and management of compliance risks can help companies avoid fines, fees, and sanctions.
  • Data insights: Companies can review compliance activities in real time and generate compliance reports that aid in decision-making.
  • Audit management: A centralized platform streamlines the audit process and can track corrective actions.
  • Awareness: Compliance management tools help you manage ongoing employee training and awareness programs.

Implementing Compliance Management Solutions

Proper implementation is key when introducing compliance management software solutions. Start with a comprehensive needs assessment: What are your organizational priorities? Which regulatory requirements apply to your business? Use the findings from your assessment to guide your software selection process. Look for a compliance management platform that:

  • Integrates with your existing software systems and data sources
  • Can be customized to align with specific regulatory requirements
  • Has a good user experience and is easy to navigate

Ideally, the software platform you choose should automate compliance processes to reduce administrative burden, saving your organization time and money.

Best Practices for Effective Compliance Management

Utilize these best practices at your enterprise to make your compliance program more effective:

  • Organizational culture: Establish a culture of compliance. Plan for ongoing training to keep compliance requirements top-of-mind for staff.
  • Internal audits: Conduct regular compliance assessments and gap analyses to identify areas for improvement.
  • Coordination: Build a cross-functional compliance team to provide comprehensive oversight that includes stakeholders from HR, legal, and finance departments.
  • Workflow management: Implement automated workflows and utilize notifications to ensure the timely completion of required compliance tasks.

Ensuring Data Security and Privacy Compliance

An important aspect of compliance management is addressing data protection regulations, which dictate how companies in a wide range of industries (e.g., healthcare and financial services) handle consumer data and personally identifiable information (PII). Data protection regulations include laws such as:

Companies must implement data access controls, encryption measures, and other protections to reduce the likelihood of a data breach. Additionally, if you work with third-party vendors, you need a system for setting up data-sharing agreements. Any third parties with which you contract must comply with your industry’s regulatory requirements and have adequate privacy and security protections in place.

The Future of Compliance Management Solutions

As more and more companies embrace digital transformation and implement distributed or hybrid work structures, compliance needs will continue to shift along with an evolving regulatory landscape. Additionally, newer developments in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning will make automated compliance monitoring more sophisticated. AI technology is already improving predictive analytics, which draws on historical data to identify patterns and make predictions that guide future business decisions.

Choose Us for Expert Compliance Management

By leveraging effective compliance management solutions, businesses can streamline their compliance processes, mitigate risks, and maintain regulatory adherence. With us, you can implement a robust compliance management system to navigate regulatory changes and help your organization work more effectively. We offer complete compliance solutions, with software that’s designed to meet the needs of specific industries including:

To get started or request pricing, contact us today.

Compliance Management: Key Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Effective compliance management takes time and effort, but it’s much better to be prepared and prevent problems before they occur. Violating the regulations that govern your industry means you risk losing customers, damaging your reputation, and hurting your bottom line. Fortunately, taking a proactive approach means you can address many of the compliance challenges that companies face. Let’s take a closer look at compliance management systems and their benefits.

What Is Compliance Management?

Companies in any sector must understand and follow the local, state, federal, or international regulations that affect how they do business. Compliance management is the set of tools and procedures that a business uses to ensure they follow the laws that govern its industry. Regulatory requirements may be established by:

  • Government entities
  • Labor unions
  • Trade associations or other industry organizations

For example, pharmaceutical companies have to comply with the U.S. Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA), whose requirements include product serialization and electronic, interoperable data exchange. Similarly, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) has specific requirements for traceability and data-sharing.

Why Is Compliance Management Important?

Compliance requirements are often in place to ensure ethical behavior toward customers or competitors. Clear, enforceable regulations set standards for businesses, governments, and civil society organizations.

Failure to adhere to applicable laws or regulations could result in fines, fees, suspension of business operations, revocation of licenses or certifications, or other compliance issues. Thus, many businesses create and establish governance, risk management, and compliance (GRC) programs to minimize their risk.

Three Approaches to Compliance Management

A compliance management solution can vary from simple to complex and must be uniquely tailored to suit an organization’s structure and industry. Three common methods of compliance management are:

Strict, Top-Down Approach

This is the most rigid approach to compliance management. Internal policies are created and implemented by the person or team at the top of the organizational chart. There is no room for flexibility or interpretation. A top-down model is usually needed when the health, safety, and welfare of employees or the people they serve are paramount. For example, a daycare operator must follow all the state and local regulations created to keep minors safe.

Hands-Off Approach

In contrast, a hands-off approach is the most flexible type of compliance management. In this model, leadership may establish compliance standards, but the implementation of day-to-day business processes is handed off to middle managers or other employees.

This approach can work in certain situations. For example, a franchisor that has retail food establishments in different states may be subject to health department inspections in each state. Recognizing that each franchisee is subject to a different set of regulations, they may leave it up to each site manager to implement training or an inspection checklist at their respective franchise.

Shared or Distributed Model

In this approach, compliance activities are shared by employees across the organization. Instead of receiving strict guidelines from a central authority, departments or teams may share the responsibility of creating and implementing compliance activities. Or, the organization may issue a central policy and solicit feedback from employees on what to change or improve. A distributed model can work especially well when companies are implementing newly issued regulations and need feedback from staff on the front lines of their industry.

Compliance Management Challenges

Thoughtful, proactive implementation of compliance measures helps save time and money down the line. But compliance management is not without its challenges, which can include:

  • Evolving regulatory landscape: Whether you’re a startup or a multinational corporation, keeping up with new and changing regulations can be difficult. In an increasingly complex corporate environment, it makes sense that organizations may struggle to stay up to date.
  • Changing working environments: In recent years, more and more businesses have embraced a hybrid work model. While letting employees work from anywhere can help organizations stay nimble, it also exposes them to a new set of cybersecurity risks and HR challenges. 
  • Vendor management: You can’t be an expert in everything. Understandably, businesses often partner with third-party vendors for certain services, whether it’s benefits management, IT support, or legal services. Improper vetting or insufficient due diligence can mean that you end up working with vendors that are out of compliance with your industry requirements.

Pharmaceutical, Food and Beverage, and Cosmetics

Companies in the pharmaceutical, food, and beverage, and cosmetics industries face unique challenges when it comes to compliance management. Consumers need to know that the food they eat, the medicine they take, and the personal care products they use are safe.

Pharmaceutical compliance regulations such as the U.S. DSCSA and the EU Falsified Medicines Directive (EU FMD) are in place to improve patient safety, ensure product integrity, and keep counterfeit drugs out of the supply chain. For the food industry, the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) and guidelines like the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI), are in place to make the food supply safer and reduce rates of foodborne illness. Regulations for cosmetics vary widely from country to country, but generally, companies must take steps to ensure their products are safe, have complete ingredient labels, and they can verify their labeling claims. 

Throughout all these industries, regulatory bodies are increasingly looking to improve supply chain transparency and traceability.

Compliance Management Best Practices

Companies can support regulatory compliance through best practices such as:

  • Thorough documentation: When in doubt, document everything, even if it’s not mandated by law. A central document repository makes it easy for employees across the organization to find the information they need and prevent non-compliance.
  • Set data standards: Be sure that you’re meeting the industry standards for high-quality data across all business operations. Inaccurate or incomplete data means you’ll be less prepared for accurate compliance reporting.
  • Education and engagement: Know your industry inside and out. Staying connected with industry associations, participating in continuing education, and attending events and conferences helps the organization stay up to date on industry changes and trends.

How to Create a Compliance Management Program

Whether you’re implementing compliance management at a new business or overhauling an existing compliance program, these steps are critical:

Conduct a Thorough Risk Assessment

Start by assessing internal and external risks that could affect regulatory compliance. Review each department to identify and document potential issues and to collect qualitative and quantitative data that you can compare against regulatory standards.

Establish Corporate Policies and Procedures

Look to industry guidance to help you create an initial draft of your compliance policy. You’ll likely need input from stakeholders across the organization, including IT, HR, legal, financial, and risk management leaders. If you don’t already have a compliance officer in place, you’ll need to appoint (or hire) one.

Communicate the Plan and Provide Training

Once your organization has a final compliance policy, it must be communicated to all staff and board officers. Set aside time for dedicated training on the policy, how to use a compliance checklist, and how to conduct an internal audit. Make sure all staff is familiar with any regulatory changes or new rules for recordkeeping and reporting.

Account for Routine Maintenance

Schedule regular reviews of your organization’s compliance policy to ensure it reflects changes in your industry or business operations. Budget the resources to help your compliance team stay abreast of changes in the industry and new regulations.

Conduct Periodic Compliance Audits

Routine internal audits can help identify potential issues before they snowball. Plus, periodic audits ensure your company is better prepared to respond to inquiries from government or regulatory bodies. If violations or vulnerabilities are discovered through an internal audit, take remediation steps immediately and review existing policies to see if there’s a way to prevent similar problems in the future.

Compliance Management Solutions

In addition to a set of internal procedures, a compliance management solution should include:

  • Auditing tools
  • Ongoing compliance training and education for staff
  • Board and management oversight

Additionally, workflow tools and apps can help organize compliance processes and automate certain tasks, like data analysis.

Compliance Management Systems

Today, many organizations rely on digital tools to streamline their compliance efforts. A well-designed compliance management system (CMS) can:

  • Improve data quality and business analytics
  • Ensure consistency across multiple business locations or branches
  • Make tracking, traceability, and reporting easier
  • Automate routine tasks so employees can focus on other business priorities
  • Minimize an organization’s overall risk exposure

Compliance Management Software

Compliance management software offers a central platform for communicating, overseeing, and documenting compliance activities across an enterprise. We’re committed to improving compliance management through supply chain transparency. With our tailored industry solutions, you can track your supply chain in real-time, no matter where your business is located. rfxcel serves businesses in the pharmaceutical, food and beverage, and consumer goods industries around the world. To learn more about our compliance software solutions or schedule a demo, contact us today.

Spherity and Antares Vision Group further partnership to ensure life sciences customers will comply with upcoming DSCSA regulations

Antares Vision Group, through rfxcel technology, has integrated Spherity’s Credentialing Service into its DSCSA solutions to verify authorized trading partners’ identities and licensing in all regulated interactions.

Reno, Nevada, April 25, 2023 — Spherity, a German leading provider of digital wallet and credentialing solutions, and Antares Vision Group, an Italian multinational and a leading provider of track and trace and quality control systems, are continuing a partnership that helps ensure life sciences customers comply with this year’s U.S. Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA) regulations.

By November 27, 2023, manufacturers, distributors, dispensers, and other actors in the life sciences supply chain must prove that they are legitimate organizations, or authorized trading partners (ATPs), as defined by the DSCSA.

The two companies first partnered in 2021, when Spherity’s Credentialing Solution, CARO, was integrated into the Group’s Verification Router Service (VRS) solution, enabled by rfxcel technologies, to allow life science customers to confirm their ATPs status. The combined solution also allows customers to exchange DSCSA-compliant electronic Product Identifier (PI) messages, trace products, and create an audit trail of their VRS business interactions.

CARO uses Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) technology to establish a secure, verifiable digital enterprise identity for every ATP. By integrating the service into its VRS solution, rfxcel customers can ensure secure, authenticated data exchange with other ATPs and verify they have the credentials required by the DSCSA, including state licenses and U.S. Food and Drug Administration Entity Identifiers (FEIs).

“We partnered with Spherity to enable our customers to comply with this year’s DSCSA authorized trading partner (ATP) requirements,” said rfxcel Senior Vice President of Product and Strategy Herb Wong. “With Spherity’s CARO, our VRS solution automatically confirms whether a company is an ATP. Now, every customer can add ATP credentialing to our entire product portfolio and secure their VRS interactions.”

“Spherity will ensure that Antares Vision Group’s customers can securely exchange data with previously unknown entities,” said Georg Jürgens, Spherity’s Manager for Industry Solutions. “The concept of exchanging and verifying credentials using Digital Wallets supports company and product compliance use cases that require communication between regulators, existing supply chain partners, and new trading partners.”

Spherity and Antares Vision Group are members of the Open Credentialing Initiative (OCI), and both contribute to the standardization and industry-wide interoperability of credentialing technology.

For more information about the Spherity-Antares Vision Group partnership, their solutions for DSCSA compliance with ATP requirements, and the Open Credentialing Initiative, contact Spherity’s Manager for Industry Solutions Georg Jürgens at and visit, and rfxcel Senior Vice President of Product and Strategy Herb Wong at


Antares Vision Group is an outstanding technology partner in digitalization and innovation for companies and institutions, guaranteeing the safety of products and people, business competitiveness, and environmental protection. The Group provides a unique and comprehensive ecosystem of technologies to guarantee product quality (inspection systems and equipment) and end-to-end product traceability (from raw materials to production, from distribution to the consumer) through integrated data management, applying artificial intelligence and blockchain technology. Antares Vision Group is active in life science (pharmaceutical, biomedical devices and hospitals) and Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG), including food, beverage, cosmetics, and glass and metal containers. As a world leader in track and trace solutions for pharmaceutical products, the Group provides major global manufacturers (over 50% of the top 20 multinationals) and numerous government authorities with solutions, monitoring their supply chains and validating product authenticity. Listed since April 2019 on the Italian Stock Exchange in the Alternative Investment Market (AIM) segment and from 14 May 2021 in the STAR segment of Euronext; furthermore, from July 2022 included in the Euronext Tech Leaders index, dedicated to leading tech companies with high growth potential. In 2022, Antares Vision Group recorded a turnover of €223.5 million. The Group operates in 60 countries, employs more than 1,100 people, and has a consolidated network of over 40 international partners. To learn more, please visit and


Spherity is a German software provider bringing secure and decentralized identity management solutions to enterprises, machines, products, data and even algorithms. Spherity provides the enabling technology to digitalize and automate compliance processes in highly regulated technical sectors. Spherity’s products empower cybersecurity, efficiency and data interoperability among digital value chains. Spherity is certified according to the information security standard ISO 27001.

India iVEDA Deadline Delayed for Track and Trace, Reporting

Our team in India just let us know that the iVEDA deadline for track and trace and reporting has been delayed. Here are the details.

As we wrote in early March, the Indian government had stipulated March 31 as the deadline for full track and trace and reporting to the Integrated Validation of Exports of Drugs from India and its Authentication (iVEDA) portal. The rules were to apply to both small-scale industry (SSI)- and non-SSI-manufactured drugs.

Today, however, the government extended the iVEDA deadline to August 1, 2023. The announcement was made through Public Notice 3/2023, which was signed by signed by Director General of Foreign Trade Santosh Kumar Sarangi.

As of today, the August deadline for barcoding the Top 300 domestic pharma brands is still valid. This requires eight data points to be incorporated into a bar code or QR code, including a unique product identification code (e.g., GTIN), the brand name, and manufacturing and expiry dates. The codes must be printed on or affixed to the primary packaging.

Final thoughts about the iVEDA deadline and requirements

We will of course continue to monitor these regulations and post news when necessary. Bookmark our blog and check back often to make sure you’re keeping up to date. And contact us today if you have any questions about this delay or compliance in any other country where you do you business.

For a good overview of India’s pharma regulations, read our update from September 2022. If we may say, our “Final thoughts” section in that article was prescient. We wrote that “India’s track and trace requirements are obviously evolving” and the pharma industry should “expect more changes as the deadlines for APIs [active pharmaceutical ingredients], iVEDA reporting, and barcoding get nearer.”

That post also cited some statistics from India’s Department of Pharmaceuticals’ 2020-21 Annual Report. Check those out and compare them with the highlights from the 2021-2022 Annual Report below. India remains one of largest and most important pharma markets in the world — and we can help ensure you stay compliant as its regulations evolve.

India pharma stats, 2021-2022

• India provides generic medicines to more than 200 countries.
• India is home to 8 of the world’s 20 largest manufacturers of generic medicines.
• More than 55 percent of its pharma exports to go to “highly regulated markets.”
• Ninety percent of World Health Organization (WHO) pre-qualified APIs are sourced from India.
• Sixty-five to 70 percent of the WHO’s vaccine requirements are sourced from India.
• As of August 2021, there were 741 U.S. FDA-compliant manufacturing sites in India.
• As of December 2020, Indian companies had secured nearly 4,400 abbreviated new drug application (ANDA) market authorizations.


Antares Vision Group, Through rfxcel, Begins Partnership with Renown Health Network for DSCSA-Compliant Pharmaceutical Tracking

rfxcel, part of Antares Vision Group, will implement DSCSA compliance solutions to help ensure pharmacies across the northern Nevada healthcare network comply with the regulations.

Reno, Nevada, March 8, 2023 — Antares Vision Group (EXM, AV:IM), a leading provider of track and trace and quality control systems, today announced that rfxcel, which is part of the Group, has begun a partnership with Renown Health Foundation to implement compliance software so the network can track and trace pharmaceuticals in compliance with the Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA).

With rfxcel’s DSCSA compliance solutions, Renown Health’s medical groups and pharmacies will achieve real-time electronic tracing of drug products at the package level to identify and trace prescription drugs as they are distributed throughout the health system. This will enhance Renown’s ability to help protect patients from exposure to drugs that may be counterfeit, stolen, contaminated, or otherwise harmful.

“Reno has been our home since 2018 and many of our employees live and work in the northern Nevada region,” said rfxcel CEO Glenn Abood. “Renown is one of the leading not-for-profit healthcare organizations here and is the perfect partner to team with to give back to our community. We are excited about the opportunity to work with them and to help improve the health and well-being of our friends and neighbors.”

“Ensuring our patient’s medications are safe and legitimate is of the upmost importance to us,” said Renown’s Vice President of Pharmacy Services Adam Porath. “When members of our community get involved in our work, it brings us all closer together. We are thankful that Antares Vision Group and rfxcel are partnering with us on our healing mission. They are making it possible for us to keep our patients safe, comply with the demanding DSCSA requirements, and respond quickly to changing supply chain requirements.”

For further information, write us at



Antares Vision Group is an outstanding technology partner in digitalization and innovation for companies and institutions, guaranteeing the safety of products and people, business competitiveness, and environmental protection. The Group provides a unique and comprehensive ecosystem of technologies to guarantee product quality (inspection systems and equipment) and end-to-end product traceability (from raw materials to production, from distribution to the consumer) through integrated data management, applying artificial intelligence and blockchain technology. Antares Vision Group is active in life science (pharmaceutical, biomedical devices and hospitals) and Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG), including food, beverage, cosmetics, and glass and metal containers. As a world leader in track and trace solutions for pharmaceutical products, the Group provides major global manufacturers (over 50% of the top 20 multinationals) and numerous government authorities with solutions, monitoring their supply chains and validating product authenticity. Listed since April 2019 on the Italian Stock Exchange in the Alternative Investment Market (AIM) segment and from 14 May 2021 in the STAR segment of the Mercato Telematico Azionario (MTA), Antares Vision Group recorded a turnover of €179 million in 2021, operates in 60 countries, employs more than 1,000 people, and has a consolidated network of over 40 international partners. To learn more, please visit and


Renown Health is Nevada’s largest, not-for-profit integrated healthcare network serving Nevada, Lake Tahoe, and northeast California. With a diverse workforce of more than 9,000 employees, Renown has fostered a longstanding culture of excellence, determination, and innovation. The organization comprises a trauma center, two acute care hospitals, a children’s hospital, a rehabilitation hospital, a medical group and urgent care network, and the locally owned not-for-profit insurance company, Hometown Health. Renown is currently enrolling participants in a community-based genetic population health study, the Healthy Nevada Project®.

India Track and Trace Regulations: March 31 Deadline for Exports & More

India iVEDA deadline extension link

This year will be a busy one for pharmaceutical compliance as governments around the world continue to roll out their serialization and traceability plans. India track and trace regulations are no exception: There was a deadline in January, there’s one at the end of this month, and another is coming in August.

Let’s take a look at the India track and trace regulations and what the pharma industry has to do to be ready.

January 1: Labeling APIs

As of January 1, 2023, all imported and domestically manufactured active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) must be labeled with QR codes “at each level packaging that store data or information.” This is the culmination of a process that began in June 2019, when the Drugs Technical Advisory Board (DTAB) approved a proposal mandating QR codes on APIs. At that time, DTAB estimated that the regulation would affect approximately 2,500 APIs.

The QR codes must contain 11 data points, including a unique product identification code, the name of the API, and the manufacturing and expiry dates. The QR codes must link to a national database with pricing data from the National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority.

March 31: Full track and trace and reporting to the iVEDA Portal for exported drugs

For all exported drugs, March 31 is the deadline for full track and trace and reporting to the Integrated Validation of Exports of Drugs from India and its Authentication (iVEDA) portal. The rules apply to both small-scale industry (SSI)- and non-SSI-manufactured drugs. The iVEDA portal is used for only registering and reporting exported drugs.

August 1: Barcoding for the Top 300 domestic pharma brands

These rules were originally scheduled to come into force on May 1, but that was pushed back to August 1. The rules stipulate that eight data points must be incorporated into a “Bar Code or Quick Response Code” to be printed on or affixed to the primary packaging, including a unique product identification code (e.g., GTIN), the brand name, and manufacturing and expiry dates.

Final thoughts about the India track and trace regulations

We talked about these regulations in more detail last year. See that article here. As we said then, our team has worked in the India pharma market for many years and understands its complexities, challenges, and benefits. We have offices and experienced staff in the country. Contact us today to learn more about the India track and trace regulations and to arrange a demo. In about 15 minutes, one of our supply chain experts can show you how we can help ensure you comply while maximizing your impact in this huge market.