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FSMA Traceability: A Comprehensive Guide for Food Industry Compliance

The Food Safety and Modernization Act (FSMA) is the most significant development in food industry traceability. One specific set of requirements in the law, the Final Rule on Requirements for Additional Traceability Records for Certain Foods, is reshaping and modernizing the approach to food safety and food supply chain data.

Whether you’re a grower, processor, distributor, or retailer in the food industry, understanding and implementing FSMA traceability is vital. Let’s walk through FSMA traceability requirements so you can adapt to the FDA’s Food Traceability Final Rule and ensure your compliance.

What Is FSMA Traceability?

FSMA traceability refers to the ability to track every step of a food product’s journey from farm to table, as required by the law. It’s primary goal is to help prevent and mitigate foodborne illnesses

FSMA traceability requirements center around creating, maintaining, and sharing a clear record of where food comes from, where it was, where it is now, where it’s going, and who’s handling it. 

Under FSMA, the Food Traceability Final Rule defines additional recordkeeping requirements all those who manufacture, process, pack, or hold foods on the Food Traceability List (FTL), which includes cheeses, shellfish, and certain fruits and vegetables. It provides you and your trading partners with clear guidance on what data you must keep and share as your products move across your supply chain.

The FDA’s Role in FSMA Traceability

The Food and Drug Administration plays a pivotal role in FSMA traceability: It sets FSMA traceability requirements, evaluates foods using a risk-ranking model, and holds stakeholders accountable for complying with the act. In addition to setting traceability recordkeeping requirements, the FDA also assesses penalties for non-compliance with the traceability program.

Compliance Requirements for Food Industry Professionals

FSMA 204 and other provisions of FSMA apply to:

  • Harvesters
  • Coolers
  • Packers
  • Processors
  • Distributors
  • Retail food establishments

The specific requirements for your business will vary based on your role in the food supply chain. Many requirements focus on initial packing and labeling; proper packaging and labeling promote FSMA traceability and streamline the flow of goods along the supply chain.

FSMA 204 also requires using traceability lot codes, developing a traceability plan, and sharing records with the FDA when requested.

Benefits of FSMA Traceability

Embracing traceability promotes better food safety and protects consumers from foodborne illnesses. If an issue arises with one of your products, you can use traceability data to quickly find where it came from and where it is now. This granular, read-time information expedites recalls and ensures that all affected products are removed from store shelves as quickly as possible.

From a business perspective, FSMA 204 helps you protect your brand image, as you can ensure the quality, integrity, and safety of food products. In addition to enhancing your reputation, you can use FSMA traceability to identify bottlenecks within the supply chain and eliminate waste.

Technology and Tools for FSMA Traceability

FSMA gives the FDA the authority to establish modern, science- and risk-based requirements, including all the traceability requirements in Section 204. 

The law dovetails with the Agency’s New Era of Smarter Food Safety, which is “a new approach to food safety, leveraging technology and other tools and approaches to create a safer and more digital, traceable food system.” It will the FDA identify ways to further its modernization goals and help ensure that the regulations evolve with the industry and available technology to reduce foodborne illness.

So, what we’re seeing with FSMA 204 is part of the FDA’s plan to secure the food supply chain using technology. FSMA traceability, anchored by requirements for food companies to record and share Critical Tracking Events (CTEs) and Key Data Elements (KDEs), is attainable with currently available digital supply chain technology. 

Other requirements, such as using traceability lot codes and having systems to share electronic sortable spreadsheets with traceability information to the FDA, are also part of a strategic approach to leveraging technology for FSMA compliance.

Food supply chain traceability software is the best road to meeting technological requirements and FSMA compliance. It’s also the best way to ensure you remain compliant and competitive as regulations, food trends, and consumer attitudes evolve. 

Common FSMA Traceability Challenges 

Challenges to complying with FSMA traceability regulations include the following:

  • Integrating traceability systems with existing processes: Adding any new tech tool to your established systems/process could disrupt operations, including interactions with trading partners.
  • Ensuring your partners are preparing: Traceability requires participation from everyone in the supply chain. Talking with your trading partners about FSMA readiness is vital to being ready to comply by the January 2026 deadline.
  • Training staff: You’ll need to educate and train staff on FSMA 204 compliance and the effect it will have on your business. Training is also necessary to create a culture of food safety in your organization.
  • Managing data: Complying with FSMA means you will be creating, sharing, accessing, and storing massive amounts of data. Your systems not only have to handle the volume — they must ensure the data is compliant.

Navigating the challenges requires a holistic approach. First and foremost, you need to get your team on board by being transparent about the regulations, how they will affect your daily operations, people’s roles and responsibilities, and what you are doing to prepare. 

The Importance of Data Security and Privacy

With so much sensitive data being generated, security and privacy are paramount. You need to make sure that your traceability data is protected from unauthorized access and breaches. This means investing in secure systems and being mindful of privacy laws and regulations.

Additionally, you must ensure that your partners are doing their part to promote data security. Remember, you’ll need to integrate some of your technologies with theirs to expedite the flow of traceability data. You don’t want to inadvertently create a blind spot or weak link in your data infrastructure by partnering with a vendor that does not take data security as seriously as you do.

Anticipating Regulatory Audits

Nobody wants to be audited, but everybody should be prepared. The key to passing an audit is to make food safety and FSMA compliance part of your company culture. If these are only afterthoughts or simply a box to check, the chances of failing an audit are much higher. In contrast, being proactive means an audit will essentially be a formality (and become an opportunity to stand out among competitors).

Final Thoughts: FSMA Traceability with rfxcel

Familiarizing yourself with FSMA traceability requirements will help you achieve and maintain compliance, improve food safety, and preserve your brand image. Prioritize compliance and implement effective traceability practices by partnering with rfxcel. We’ve been a leader in traceability (and compliance) technology for 20 years, and we will work with you to develop a solution suited to your needs.

Book a demo to learn more. We also invite you to explore our other FSMA resources.

For a Leading Berry Producer, Antares Vision Group Digitalizes Billions of Products for Tight Supply Chain Oversight and Direct Consumer Connections

The Group’s Supply Chain Transparency solution serializes packages in the field, enabling the use of unit-level data to help ensure customers are satisfied with product quality.

Travagliato (Brescia), January 17, 2023 – Antares Vision Group (EXM, AV:IM), an Italian multinational and a leading provider of track and trace and quality control systems that ensures the transparency of products and supply chains through integrated data management, has successfully piloted a Supply Chain Transparency solution for a prominent berry company. The project entails the digitalization of over 1.5 billion products, empowering the berry producer to protect, support, and communicate with its customers.

Powered by technology from rfxcel, which is part of Antares Vision Group, the Supply Chain Transparency solution package enables data concerning harvested berries to be collected and integrated into a platform that fully controls product safety and quality.

Using Antares Vision Group’s advanced serialization and mobile traceability technologies, the producer scans each individual clamshell to associate berry type, farm, and growing conditions, giving each package a unique digital identity with detailed product information. Consumers can scan an on-package QR Code to take a survey, giving the producer valuable insight into its customers’ impressions of specific berries grown at specific locations. This allows the company to focus on the types of berries consumers like best, and to ensure product quality is maintained at high standards from field to end user.

Glenn Abood, CEO of rfxcel, said the project showcases the technology’s impact and scalability. “We’re really expanding boundaries with this project,” he said. “Our coordination with the berry producer has been greatly rewarding; together, we’ve designed a system that reliably manages billions of products in the first and last mile of the supply chain. It performs these tasks day in and day out, with sub-second scanning times and exacting accuracy.”

Abood added that Antares Vision Group and the producer had discussed other applications for the wide-scale serialization of products, such as using digitalized unit-level data for consumer engagement activities and risk-mitigation strategies.

Abood continued: “Our serialization technologies are opening up entirely new avenues for brand value and benefits, connecting safety, quality, efficiency, and trust. The brand owners have actionable and granular information about consumer preferences, opening new dialogue channels and highly targeted customer interactions. Recall management is another benefit: It’s not necessary to recall every package, only a single clamshell. These advantages are available only with serialized products, which unlock opportunities with the power of unit-level data.”

For further information

Herb Wong, Senior Vice President, Product and Strategy: +1 925 791 3235 / hwong@rfxcel.com

Alessandro Baj Badino, Head of Investor Relations: +39 030 72 83 500 / investors@antaresvision.com

Davide Antonioli, Investor Relator: +39 030 7283500 / investors@antaresvision.com

Federica Menichino, Axelcomm (Press Contact): +39 3496976982 / federica.menichino@axel-comm.it



Antares Vision Group is an outstanding technology partner in digitalization and innovation for companies and institutions, guaranteeing the safety of products and people, business competitiveness, and environmental protection. The Group provides a unique and comprehensive ecosystem of technologies to guarantee product quality (inspection systems and equipment) and end-to-end product traceability (from raw materials to production, from distribution to the consumer) through integrated data management, applying artificial intelligence and blockchain technology. Antares Vision Group is active in life science (pharmaceutical, biomedical devices and hospitals) and Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG), including food, beverage, cosmetics, and glass and metal containers. As a world leader in track and trace solutions for pharmaceutical products, the Group provides major global manufacturers (over 50% of the top 20 multinationals) and numerous government authorities with solutions, monitoring their supply chains and validating product authenticity. Listed since April 2019 on the Italian Stock Exchange in the Alternative Investment Market (AIM) segment and from 14 May 2021 in the STAR segment of the Mercato Telematico Azionario (MTA), Antares Vision Group recorded a turnover of €179 million in 2021, operates in 60 countries, employs more than 1,000 people, and has a consolidated network of over 40 international partners. To learn more, please visit www.antaresvision.com and www.antaresvisiongroup.com.

Why FDA Food Traceability Regulations Are a Business Opportunity

It’s going to be a busy couple of years for the food industry as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) formalizes key parts of its plan to modernize and further secure the U.S. food supply chain. The next milestone for FDA food traceability regulations is just four months away, so let’s take a look at the requirements — and why food companies should embrace them as an opportunity to improve their businesses.

But first, if you’re intrigued by the idea that opportunities are “hiding” in the FDA food traceability regulations, join us for our “Safety, Regulatory Compliance & Beyond: Leveraging Traceability to Optimize the Food & Beverage Supply Chain” webinar on Wednesday, August 10, at 1 p.m. EST. Our experts will break down the “whys” and “hows” of traceability, discuss the real-world applications and value-adds, and take your questions.

Recap of FDA food traceability regulations & upcoming deadlines

Here’s a quick rundown of what’s on the table and upcoming deadlines.

Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA)

      • Signed into law on Jan. 4, 2011
      • Aims to ensure the food supply is safe by shifting the focus to preventing contamination rather than responding to it
      • Applies to human food as well as to food for animals, including pets

Proposed Rule (FSMA 204)

      • Establishes additional traceability recordkeeping requirements for people who manufacture, process, pack, or hold foods on the Food Traceability List
      • Food Traceability List contains foods with additional traceability recordkeeping requirements (see table below)
      • Stakeholders to establish and maintain records with key data elements (KDEs) associated with different critical tracking events (CTEs)

Key dates

      • Nov. 7, 2022: FDA to finalize and submit the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Proposed Rule to the Federal Register
      • January 2023: Proposed Rule goes into effect
      • Jan. 6, 2025: Deadline for full compliance

The FDA has also launched the New Era of Smarter Food Safety and an accompanying New Era of Smarter Food Safety Blueprint, which envision a modern approach to ensuring food safety through digital, tech-enabled traceability. Get more details in our blog here.

FDA food traceability regulations: What to know now and how to seize opportunities

This is really just a preview of our August 10 webinar about leveraging traceability. We’ll touch on a few key points below; sign up for the webinar to take a deep dive.

Just the facts

The FSMA 204 deadlines are set. You’ll have to be fully compliant in about two years, so the time to prepare is now.

The Food Traceability List is a living document. More and more food items are sure to be added over time.

The FDA is committed to modernizing and securing the U.S. food supply chain. Expect the Agency to continue promoting (and regulating) traceability in a digital supply chain. This includes improving recall management.

Where’s the opportunity?

End-to-end traceability makes everything better. With the right solution, you’ll not only be compliant — you’ll make your supply chain faster, leaner, and more cost-effective.

“1-up, 1-down” is useful, but antiquated. Today, 1-up, 1-down traceability is merely a facet of end-to-end traceability (and visibility and transparency) in a digital supply chain. The right solutions transform your supply chain into an ecosystem that optimizes operations and creates opportunity and value beyond the point of sale.

Serialization is the building block of compliance — and added value. Serialization turns every product into a “digital asset” that can be traced in real time from virtually any location, yielding practical benefits to your operations. But these digital assets can accomplish much, much more, including brand protection and consumer engagement.

Traceability enables precise, targeted recall management — which means better outcomes for your brand. We’ve all heard the statistic that the average food recall costs $10 million. With traceability, you can locate specific items quickly, identify where they came from (e.g., grower, warehouse), take clear, decisive action to remove only those items from circulation, and protect consumers and your reputation.

Traceability in a digital supply chain means less clutter — literally. Do you have nightmares about back rooms full of boxes stuffed with paperwork? Traceability turns your nightmare into an operational dream. Get rid of all the paper and gain the power to quickly dial up any document, any time, from any location, including from mobile devices.

Traceability and added value

Traceability is the key to keeping consumers happy and inspired. Consumers are thinking deeply about the things they buy — where they come from and what goes into making them. They also expect to interact with the brands they trust. We wrote way back in October 2020 that supply chain traceability was building a new kind of consumer kingdom; it was true then, it’s true today, and it will be true tomorrow.

The era of digital assets and smart products is here. Products are no longer just products. With serialization and traceability, products are gateways to experiences. They’re beacons to broadcast information. They are conduits for hyper-targeted and hyper-personalized consumer engagement.

Final thoughts

FDA food traceability regulations are center stage in FSMA, the Food Traceability Proposed Rule (FSMA 204), the Food Traceability List, and the New Era of Smarter Food Safety. The deadlines are coming and you should be preparing.

But now you know that savvy companies will see traceability as more than a compliance mandate from the government — they’ll see it as a technology that creates a universe of opportunities for their businesses and brands.

Companies that are thinking only about the mechanics of complying with FDA food traceability regulations will miss these opportunities to be proactive about ensuring food safety and quality, reducing  risks, protecting and building their brands, and leveraging every single product to connect with individual consumers in exciting, meaningful ways.

We don’t want you to miss these opportunities. To get started, sign up for our food traceability webinar to see how traceability works and how it delivers value.

Next, contact us to schedule a short demo of our food and beverage solutions, including our award-winning Traceability System and Mobile Traceability App. In about 15 minutes, our supply chain experts will show you how we create end-to-end traceability in a fully interoperable digital supply chain that’s visible anytime, anywhere.

Last, take a look at our other food traceability materials, some FDA links, and our shortened version of the Food Traceability List.

Our FSMA & Food Traceability Resources

Other FDA Resources

Food Traceability List

FDA Food Traceability List

Traceability in the Food Supply Chain

This white paper describes how traceability transforms food products into powerful “digital assets,” helps prevent common supply chain and business problems, and brings an array of benefits to all actors in the food supply chain. It examines the regulatory landscape in the United States, where the Food and Drug Administration has made food traceability one of its top priorities. We examine the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), the Food Traceability List, and the Final Rule on Requirements for Additional Traceability Records for Certain Foods. We feel food companies and their trading partners everywhere can benefit from understanding these requirements and should see them as indicative of where the industry is headed in terms of regulations, technology, and consumer expectations.


Food Traceability Data: Not Just for Compliance Anymore

As the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) continues to evolve its traceability and modernization initiatives across the U.S. food supply chain, the need for more accurate food traceability data is more important than ever.

Foundationally, the FDA’s initiatives require companies to have digital traceability systems in place that facilitate greater food safety. But food traceability data means more than ensuring you’re complying with regulations: It offers significant business value. Let’s take a look.

FDA’s food traceability initiatives: a refresher

In 2011, Congress enacted the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) to regulate the way foods are grown, harvested, and processed in the United States. The law transforms the nation’s food safety system from an after-the-fact response to foodborne illness to a proactive posture aimed at prevention.

To address the rapid and effective tracking and tracing outlined in FSMA, the FDA in April 2019 launched the New Era of Smarter Food Safety, a tech-enabled approach to food traceability to ensure food safety, and the New Era of Smarter Safety Blueprint (July 2020), which outlined the Agency’s vision for how to get there and included the Food Traceability Proposed Rule, which defines specific traceability recordkeeping requirements for foods on its Food Traceability List.

Food traceability data delivers benefits beyond mere compliance

Although food traceability data serves as the cornerstone of effective recall management and outbreak prevention as required by the FDA, it means much more than compliance. Here are three ways food traceability data can drive business value to support sustainable growth.

Create operational efficiencies

Food traceability data yields complete, real-time visibility into operations across every node in the supply chain. This empowers food companies to take immediate action, solve problems, coordinate with partners and regulators, and keep things moving.

For example, by tracking a product’s ingredients from harvest through production through the last mile to delivery, you can quickly trace raw materials backward and forward, pinpoint supply chain weaknesses or trouble spots, and strengthen your recall program and minimize the impact of recalls. And with a traceability system that allows you to monitor products anywhere in transit, you can collect data on environmental conditions, track the location of all your deliveries, and set precise parameters for alerts.

This food traceability data allows you to proactively protect your shipments, safeguard their environmental integrity, track their position on land, sea, and air, and intervene immediately should something seem awry, such as a spike in temperature or a route diversion. Add critical tracking events (CTEs) and other information (e.g., quality inspections) to the process and you’ve got an indelible product provenance from farm to table.

Build consumer engagement and trust

These days, consumers are more attuned than ever to family health and finances. They want to know more about what they’re eating, such as ingredients, how food is raised or grown, and the safety and environmental practices used to produce it. They want to feel good about what they eat and where they are spending their money. By supplying information that meets this demand, you build trust and loyalty and build a community of customers who will advocate for your products.

The simple truth is that food traceability data creates tremendous opportunities to communicate with consumers and nurture more committed relationships. You can back your claims and prove your product is what you say it is.

Protect your brand

This dovetails with consumer engagement and trust. With modernized, secure, and compliant food traceability protocols, you can better collaborate with partners and authorities if there’s a recall. In this scenario, you’re not only protecting consumers from a health hazard — you’re safeguarding your brand from bad publicity. And with a transparent approach to engaging with customers about the foods they consume, you create a strong brand image that conveys trust, credibility, and reliability. You can even use your food traceability data as a core differentiator in your value proposition messaging.

Final thoughts

Food traceability data has always been important, but the FDA has clearly put it center stage with FSMA, the New Era of Smarter Food Safety, the Food Traceability Proposed Rule, and the Food Traceability List.

Do not expect this to change.

rfxcel believes industry leaders will see traceability as an investment in their businesses and brands, not a compliance mandate from the government. If fact, savvy companies will know the FDA’s initiatives are an opportunity to be involved in shaping the future of the U.S. food supply chain. Keep an eye out this summer for more from rfxcel about how you can tap into the FDA’s initiatives to help lead the transformation of the U.S. food supply chain. As we said above, this is a moment of opportunity for the food industry. Don’t miss the boat.

In the meantime, take a look at our solutions for food and beverage:

Contact us today for more information and to schedule a short demo of our food traceability solutions. Get started now and take advantage of all the opportunities food traceability data can create for you.

Food Traceability Regulations in the United States: A Timeline

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is orchestrating the construction of a more robust, technology-driven approach to food traceability and safety. And it’s happening as the food industry is undergoing major change, including scores of new foods being introduced to the market, rising consumer demand for more information about the food they buy, the development of more sophisticated production and delivery methods, and a growing push for digitization of the supply chain.

As regulations in the United States continue to evolve, manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors, and retailers need to keep a finger on the pulse of the latest developments. Today, we’ll help with a quick rundown of what’s happened with food traceability over the last year.

Food traceability regulations in the United States: 2020-present

On September 23, 2020, the FDA published “Requirements for Additional Traceability Records for Certain Foods” on its Food Traceability List. Referred to as the “Food Traceability Proposed Rule,” it’s part of the FDA’s New Era of Smarter Food Safety Blueprint and aims to standardize the data elements and information required to rapidly and accurately identify foods that may be causing illness. It defines additional recordkeeping requirements for businesses that manufacture, process, pack, or hold foods on the FDA’s Food Traceability List, which must establish and maintain records containing key data elements (KDEs) associated with specific critical tracking events (CTEs).

In January 2021, the FDA made clarifying modifications to the Food Traceability List and published a detailed FAQ that answered commonly asked questions that emerged following the announcement of the Proposed Rule. In February 2021, the comments period for the modifications closed. The FDA has until November 2022 to finalize it.

More about the New Era of Smarter Food Safety Blueprint

These initiatives are part of the FDA’s New Era of Smarter Food Safety. Announced in April 2019, it envisions a modern approach to ensuring food safety through digital, tech-enabled traceability.

The New Era of Smarter Food Safety Blueprint, announced in July 2020, outlines the FDA’s methodology for achieving its traceability and safety goals. It’s based on the following four pillars, which leverage a range of technologies, analytics, business models, modernization, and values as its building blocks:

1. Tech-enabled food traceability

A supply chain that includes paper-based recordkeeping and yields insufficient data makes it difficult to track and trace foods rapidly. Fast, accurate food traceability is essential to safeguarding consumers’ health — and your brand reputation and bottom line.

For example, modernized food traceability that leverages the latest technologies and integrates expanding data streams empowers supply chain stakeholders to identify an outbreak and trace a contaminated food product’s origin within minutes — or even seconds — and be proactive about getting the product off of shelves.

2. Smarter tools and approaches for prevention and outbreak response

In addition to better food traceability, the FDA wants to ensure the root cause of an outbreak or contamination can be easily identified to support a prevention-based approach. To do this, stakeholders need to incorporate new knowledge while continuously assessing how they can make processes and communications more effective and efficient. As more data becomes available, the use of predictive analytics tools becomes increasingly important to predict when a significant food event may occur. With this information, manufacturers can prevent a contaminated food products from entering the supply chain or target efforts to remove a potentially contaminated product from the market.

3. New business models and retail modernization

As the industry continues to find new ways to produce and distribute food, the FDA is seeking to explore new approaches in ensuring food traceability and safety. This includes:

  • Educating supply chain actors on the importance of food safety issues
  • Adapting FDA oversight to ensure the safety of novel ingredients, new foods, and new food production methods
  • Advancing the safety of foods sold in traditional retail establishments
4. Food safety culture

The FDA wants to encourage an environment of support for a stronger food safety culture on farms, in food facilities, and in homes. If the food industry does not commit to embracing food traceability and safety, real improvements will be difficult to achieve.

Final thoughts

We can be certain of two things when it comes to food traceability regulations in the United States: they’re going to keep evolving and they’re not going away. The good news is advancements in technology are making it profoundly easier — and even more affordable — to ensure food traceability across the entire supply chain. Yes, the FDA’s proposed requirements technically apply only to items on the Food Traceability List, but the Agency is encouraging voluntary adoption of these practices industry-wide. Savvy food companies will see this as an opportunity to get involved early and be part of the process, helping to set the industry’s regulatory course while going a long way to secure their own business.

rfxcel can help you comply with U.S. food traceability regulations today, tomorrow — always. From raw ingredients to finished goods, our rfxcel Traceability System (rTS) offers end-to-end food supply chain traceability and visibility. Our rfxcel Integrated Monitoring (rIM) is a real-time traceability and supply chain visibility solution that helps you remotely monitor products in transit And our MobileTraceability app brings the power of rTS to every node of your operations, including places that have traditionally been “blind spots.” Contact us today to arrange a demo.

Exploring Meat Traceability in the Food Supply Chain: Getting to Know Your Protein

Today’s consumers demand transparency, particularly when it comes to the meat they consume. They want more information about how and where the livestock was raised and processed — not just from a nutritional standpoint, but also with regard to food safety practices, animal care practices, environmental impact, and worker safety. Put simply, they want meat traceability.

Consumers are making an emotional connection to the foods they buy and consume; they want to feel good about where their money is going and what they are putting into their bodies. While this trend has been growing over the past several years, it has gained significant traction recently. Add the pandemic into the mix, and you’ve got an even greater demand for transparency amid an environment driven by heightened health and financial concerns.

The supply chain saw significant disruption during the pandemic, as high infection rates in processing plants led to a marked curtail in operations in pork, beef, and poultry plants—and in some cases, plant closures. In fact, roughly 65 percent of meat processing plants experienced outbreaks and 20 percent were forced to temporarily suspend operations, which, in a consolidated meat industry, had a ripple effect across the country. As the outbreaks played out publicly, consumers grew even warier of the origins of their meats.

Adding more complexity to the issue, bad weather over the past year meant smaller corn and soybean harvests, making it harder and more expensive for cattle, hog, and poultry farmers to feed their herds. The last time the industry saw such high grain prices was during the 2012 U.S. drought.

As meat supplies diminished, consumer demand grew, with more people stuck inside and forced to cook and eat at home. The result: price inflation at the grocery stores, making it more expensive for consumers to feed their families. As they pay more for the foods that nourish their families and read headlines about the pandemic’s effects on the food supply chain, their demand for transparency has only become greater.

Meat traceability is more essential than ever

As we usher in a new era in food safety, meat traceability is no longer a “nice-to-have” — it’s essential. With increasing consumer demand for more information about where their protein is coming from, clear documentation from the farm to the end product is a must.

The Global Food Traceability Center defines traceability as the “ability to access any or all information relating to a food under consideration, throughout its entire life cycle, by means of recorded identifications.” This goes beyond the information itself; it’s about linking the information throughout the supply chain and ensuring coordinated processes and end-to-end meat traceability.

The good news is that tech-enabled meat traceability doesn’t have to be complicated, and its benefits are vast and powerful. From increased meat quality, improved food safety, and fewer product recalls to better inventory tracking and superior customer service, traceability delivers a range of benefits that go far beyond simply responding to consumers’ demand for information. With visibility across the entire supply chain, manufacturers can document and link the production, processing, and distribution chain of their protein products, which results in greater organizational efficiencies, reduced market and operational risks, a stronger competitive advantage, and a better brand image.

Final thoughts

While challenges continue to emerge amid a rapidly evolving global landscape, brands have an opportunity to tell a story that evokes a positive emotion and inspires a purchase. Consumers want to know that their meats were produced ethically and safely, and, of course, pose no risk to themselves or their families. As more and more people scan labels and packages for information about where their food came from and how it was made, transparency will play an increasingly crucial role in a meat producer’s brand image. It really comes down to trust: If consumers don’t trust your brand, they’ll be more than happy to buy another company’s product. Meat traceability satiates a consumer’s need for information, which builds trust with your brand.

From farm to table, rfxcel’s food supply chain solutions have you covered. Our award-winning Traceability System (rTS) is the basis of a modernized, digital supply chain with fully customizable and scalable solutions that yield complete end-to-end meat traceability. It is the foundation of a digital supply chain and a successful food recall management system that operates with surgical precision.

Offering the most complete and flexible raw materials and meat traceability solution for food and beverage, we’ll help you to optimize your supply chain operations while catering to the consumers’ increasing demand for information about the meats they consume.

Modernizing Food Recall Management

“Recall” is the one word food companies never want to hear. But recalls are a fact of life, so it’s the wise manufacturer, wholesaler, and retailer that prepares for the inevitable. What does it take to have fast, effective food recall management? The short answer is that you need to modernize your supply chain so you can act quickly based on high-quality data. Let’s take a look.

“Modernize” is today’s food and beverage buzzword

The Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) has been in effect for almost a decade, so modernizing the food and beverage supply chain isn’t a new idea. Designed to improve the security and safety of the U.S. food supply, FSMA focused on preventing food-borne pathogens across the food system. It also encouraged companies to be proactive instead of reactive when it comes to food safety — including how they deal with food recall management.

Now, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has ratcheted up its food safety efforts. On April 30, 2019, it announced the New Era of Smarter Food Safety, which it describes as “a new approach to food safety, leveraging technology and other tools to create a safer and more digital, traceable food system.” To be rolled out over the next decade, it’s “also about simpler, more effective, and modern approaches and processes.”

In other words, more modernization that builds on FSMA. The “ultimate goal is to bend the curve of foodborne illness in this country by reducing the number of illnesses.”

Then, in July 2020, the Administration released the “New Era of Smarter Safety Blueprint” that

“ … outlines achievable goals to enhance traceability, improve predictive analytics, respond more rapidly to outbreaks, address new business models, reduce contamination of food, and foster the development of stronger food safety cultures. It outlines a partnership between government, industry, and public health advocates based on a commitment to further modernize our approach to food safety.”

The Blueprint also includes a Food Traceability Proposed Rule (formal title: “Requirements for Additional Traceability Records for Certain Foods.”) It would implement Section 204(d) of FSMA, with requirements to “help the FDA rapidly and effectively identify recipients of foods on its Food Traceability List to prevent or mitigate foodborne illness outbreaks and address credible threats of serious adverse health consequences or death.” The list includes fruits and vegetables, fish, shellfish, cheeses, nut butters, eggs, herbs, and ready-to-eat salads.

What does modernization mean for food recall management?

It’s clear that FSMA and the New Era of Smarter Food Safety have recalls in mind when they mandate modernization or propose procedures to attain it. However, with or without the influence of regulations, rules, blueprints, and lists, modernization boils down to two things for food recall management: digitization and traceability.

A digital supply chain with end-to-end traceability delivers speed and high-quality data, the most crucial aspects of food recall management. Digitization — eliminating the physical paper trail in favor of a cloud-based management system — enables end-to-end traceability, and end-to-end traceability means you have rich, actionable data available in real time so you can find products quickly, make informed decisions, and act with authority and assuredness.

Digitization and traceability also expediate food recall management because they allow you to easily share information with your trading partners and regulators. If you’re a manufacturer or wholesaler, you’ll keep retailers up to date so they can take the recalled product off the shelves. Consumers benefit too, because they’ll get recall alerts and know to return the product or dispose of it as instructed.

Modernizing food recall management also helps mitigate the very things that can trigger a recall in the first place, such as poor visibility into the supply chain, lack of accountability, or an insufficient safety culture. Indeed, it’s up to companies to fix such shortcomings internally through training and establishing safety protocols, but digitization and traceability will carry and facilitate safety across the entire supply chain.

For instance, you can attach critical tracking events (CTEs) and key data elements (KDEs) to every product’s digital profile, creating an indelible provenance you can trace up and down the supply chain. You’ll see where a product has been, where it is (or is supposed to be), and where it’s going. During a recall, you can “reach into” your supply chain and extract the product quickly.

Final thoughts

As we move into 2021, F&B companies have absolutely no excuses to put off modernizing their supply chains and recall management systems. A poorly handled recall can result in catastrophic financial loss and cause irreparable damage to your reputation. And companies that don’t modernize will likely find themselves pursued by regulators, ostracized by trading partners, shunned by consumers, and, ultimately, out of business.

rfxcel can help. Our award-winning Traceability System (rTS) is the basis of a modernized, digital supply chain with fully customizable and scalable solutions that yield complete end-to-end traceability. It is the foundation of a digital supply chain and a successful food recall management system that operates with surgical precision.

For example, our Serialization Processing (rSP) solution assigns every product a unique digital ID that lets you locate affected products quickly, remove them from circulation, and record and verify that every recalled item was destroyed. Furthermore, rSP generates last-mile data that helps you identify the source of outbreaks and their scope for better consumer safety efforts.

Coupled with rSP, our Raw Materials Traceability (rRM) and Finished Goods Traceability (rFG) solutions build a digital supply chain that aids food recall management by maintaining a validated, traceable pedigree for every product. Track the transformation of raw materials into finished goods with total forward and backward traceability. Track lot to unit or unit to lot all the way to the consumer. Attach key data to every critical tracking event digitally. And if there’s a recall, see how exposed you are and respond rapidly by notifying affected customers and trading partners and changing the disposition of all units/lots to “RECALL” to prevent them from being included in any ship event. You can also use your data to aid investigations.

Contact us today to speak with one of our F&B supply chain experts. They’ll give you a short rTS demo that will show you how an rfxcel digital supply chain with end-to-end traceability will modernize your operations and optimize your food recall management.