Food Safety Traceability and Regulatory for Food Safety Compliance

Regulatory Compliance Software For Food Safety Compliance

Food Safety Software for Regulatory Compliance


The food marketplace is undergoing massive changes. From how food is sourced, delivered, and prepared, to the ingredients used and their provenance, today’s food consumers demand more information about their food choices so they can personalize their eating experiences. This is a model that will align the food industry with other consumer sectors.

The key to surviving and thriving in this modern world of consumer demand is an absolute lock on your supply chain – being able to verify the authenticity and origin of your raw materials and ingredients, and to effectively, quickly, and accurately track and trace your products as they move across a global network of growers and shippers, distributors and manufacturers, and online and in-person retail outlets.

Getting the right data about your product’s disposition is the driver behind informed decision-making that will allow food industry leaders to accurately and effectively leverage just-in-time inventory, satisfy disparate regulatory and customer demands for transparency and verification, and drive targeted consumer engagement through mobile, Internet of Things (IoT), blockchain applications, and more.

Laws are creating pressure on companies to focus on food safety and traceability. rfxcel has 18 years of experience helping companies of all sizes meet the traceability demands of the marketplace, including regulatory compliance, real-time track and trace, or best-in-class data validation and inventory management. rfxcel is a global leader in the highly regulated and complex life sciences market. Our experience, expertise, and powerful Traceability System (rTS) is leveraged for the food and beverage industry. With rfxcel, you’ll be confident about meeting your traceability needs.

Governments around the world require the food industry to comply with preventive control standards. They provide oversight of food safety compliance, ensure compliance with requirements, and intervene when problems or issues emerge. Since the early 2000s, governments have reiterated the importance of food safety and have continued to create proactive approaches to reduce food safety issues in the supply chain. Today, companies have a great responsibility to establish and implement effective, compliant food safety systems. With food safety compliance requirements, governments are shifting the focus from responding to contamination to preventing it.

Below are links to key food legislation bodies.

USA – FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA)

United Kingdom – Food Standards Agency
Canada – Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Australia – Food Standards Australia New Zealand
India – Food Safety Standards and Authority of India
China – National Medical Products Administration


Additionally, the FDA has released documents detailing its vision for traceability and modernization in the U.S. food supply chain. See the Agency’s New Era of Smarter Food Safety (April 2019), “New Era of Smarter Safety Blueprint” (July 2020), Food Traceability Proposed Rule, and Food Traceability List.



rfxcel aims to facilitate early detection of and response to threats associated with delivery of unsafe food from growers, handlers, shippers, and distributors to consumers. The goal is to provide a secure supply chain and reassure consumers that their food is safe by meeting food safety compliance requirements and taking other proactive measures. As companies focus more on compliance, rfxcel brings a range of industry experiences and can readily demonstrate how easily the food industry can achieve compliance while gaining additional business benefits. One of the key benefits of investing in food safety compliance is improved supply chain control and performance. When compliance is done right, organizations will outperform their competitors in performance management capabilities and supporting technologies.

To maximize the benefits of food safety compliance, rfxcel Food & Beverage Traceability System (rFBTS) builds the capacity to manage and detect risks from farm to fork by:

  • Partnering and integrating with every trading partner in the supply chain
  • Serializing products to the unit level and aggregating with multiple hierarchies
  • Checking data quality at every transaction
  • Automating critical process alerts through robust functionality and easy integration with any business system
  • Integrating with internal business systems to connect shop-floor production data with real time traceability data to ensure both food safety and traceability


Our mission is to develop solutions for our customers to derive additional value beyond compliance. We understand that our customers are making a significant investment to be able to comply with today’s regulations. rfxcel continuously monitors incoming data to ensure data quality and help you to harness data for better business intelligence. Our focus on value and quality means better business outcomes and lower supply chain costs for our customers.

rfxcel is committed to supporting industry standards. Our solutions are designed in accordance with the internationally accepted ANSI/ISA S95 standard. Our single-tenant solution is hosted in the cloud, providing our customers with full control. Customers are never forced to accept upgrades, and upgrades are always done in concert with our customers to ensure continuity of their supply chain operations.

To learn more about rfxcel serialization software, contact us to schedule a 30 minute demonstration today.