Robust Serialization Software
Serialization is the assigning of a unique serial number to each saleable unit of a product, which is linked to information about the product’s origin, batch number and expiration date. Purpose of serialization if for units to be tracked through its entire supply chain — from production to retail distribution to the final consumer.
The serialization process:
A serial number is mostly processed with a standard numerical identifiers (SNIs), for example, the serialized national drug code (sNDC), which is the national drug code (NDC) combined with a unique serial number. After creating the serialization codes, it gets printed as a 2D barcode on a label of each saleable unit and shipping case.
Serialization codes can be created based on a client’s request. Standards, like GS1 are recommended in the pharmaceutical and food industry, but robust serialization software, like rSP, can create any type of a serial number the clients prefer. rSP can also be applied to new and existing printing lines. rfxcel works with every customer to fit into their current business and production process to reduce any other investments, e.g. new equipment. We work very close with each customer to conduct a production line analysis to identify the possibilities and options that best suits the customer. Each customer has a defined process strategy and a path to implementation.