rfxcel on DM Radio - rfxcel.com

rfxcel on DM Radio

rfxcel on DM radio

November 2, 2017

Live Radio

rfxcel on DM Radio

The Bigger They Come: Why IoT Is Different

DATE: November 2, 2017              TIME: 3 PM Eastern / 12 PM Pacific
Jack Tarkoff, Co-founder and Chief Strategy Officer, is joining Mala Anand, SAP, Eric Hall, Site1001, and Ryan Shearman, Fusar on a compelling live show about IoT innovative products and how it is constructing the world.
About the Discussion

The Internet of Things turns information systems inside-out. Suddenly, millions of devices can report back to their mother ship, which changes the game for just about every industry. Suddenly, we’re living in an ocean of real-world data. What can your company do about it? Check out this episode of DM Radio to find out! Host @Eric_Kavanagh will interview several experts about the massive impact slowly being wrought on the IoT.

About the Host

Eric Kavanagh

CEO, The Bloor Group

Eric has more than 20 years of experience as a career journalist with a keen focus on enterprise technologies. He designs and moderates a variety of New Media programs, including The Briefing Room, Information Management’s DM Radio and Espresso Series, as well as GARP’s Leadership and Research Webcasts. His mission is to help people leverage the power of software, methodologies and politics in order to get things done.

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NOTE: DM Radio is only broadcast on Thursdays at 3 PM Eastern. This is a live radio station broadcast 24 hours per day. DM Radio and its affiliates have no control over any other show outside DM Radio.