US Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA) for Pharmaceutical Safety

U.S. Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA)

The DSCSA aims to ensure counterfeit, stolen, contaminated, or otherwise harmful drugs do not enter the U.S. drug supply chain. It requires an interoperable electronic system to identify and trace prescription drugs as they are distributed throughout the country.

When the law goes into effect, it will fundamentally change how pharmaceutical companies do business in the United States. And though the U.S. Food and Drug Administration on August 25, 2023, announced an extended stabilization period that will be in effect until November 27, 2024, giving the industry more time to comply, all stakeholders should continue vigorously preparing to comply.

Connect with us today and we will review your current DSCSA and provide you with a roadmap.

Get your free DSCSA roadmap

Who has to comply with the DSCSA?

  • Manufacturers
  • Wholesale distributors
  • Repackagers
  • Dispensers (pharmacies, healthcare systems)
  • Third-party logistics providers (3PLs)

The “Four Cornerstones” of DSCSA Compliance

Product identification (serialization)

Manufacturers and repackagers must put a unique product identifier (PI), such as a bar code, on certain prescription drug packages. This must be able to be read electronically.

Product tracing

Manufacturers, wholesale distributors, repackagers, and many dispensers (primarily pharmacies) must provide certain information about drug and who handled it each time it’s sold:

  • Transaction information (TI) includes the product name; its strength and dosage form; its National Drug Code (NDC); container size and number of containers; lot number; transaction date; shipment date; and the name and address of the businesses from which and to which ownership is being transferred.
  • The transaction statement (TS) is a paper or electronic attestation by the business transfer-ring ownership of the product that it has com-plied with the DSCSA.
  • A third type of information, Transaction history (TH), is an electronic statement with the TI for every transaction going back to the manufacturer. It is required before the November 27, 2023, deadline; it is not required after that date.


Manufacturers, wholesale distributors, repackagers, and dispensers must establish systems and processes to verify PIs for certain prescription drugs packages. For saleable returns, manufacturers and wholesale distributors must use the Verification Router Service (VRS).

Authorized trading partners (ATPs)

All manufacturers, wholesale distributors, repackagers, 3PLs, and dispensers must be ATPs and be able to electronically verify that their trading partners are ATPs.

Our solutions

Our industry leadership efforts

  • VRS Network: Led FDA-approved pilot for VRS readiness and to extend performance testing of the network
  • DSCSA 2023 Plan: Chairing Healthcare Distribution Alliance (HDA) Working Group to define industry plan for 2023
  • PDG ATP Initiatives: Founding member of the Partnership for DSCSA Governance (PDG) Open Credentialing Initiative (OCI); only provider in three ATP pilots
  • EPCIS Center of Excellence: Developing processes to accelerate EPCIS rollout and ensure proper exchange of data

DSCSA Milestones & Requirements

Why we’re different

We’re the longest-tenured compliance and track and trace solutions provider in the life sciences industry. Our digital supply chain solutions will ensure you’ll meet all DSCSA requirements — plus the requirements of all other global regulations, such as the EU Falsified Medicines Directive (FMD), Russia’s National Track and Trace Digital System (Chestny ZNAK), and Brazil’s Health Regulatory Agency (ANVISA).

We will also help you:

  • Safeguard your products and brand
  • Ensure patients get the right drug at the right time
  • Combat counterfeit drugs
  • Secure your business investments