Data Validation Processes in Pharmaceutical Serialization Software – rfxcel

Data Matters in Serialization (Part 5 or 6) – Data Validation in Pharmaceutical Serialization Software

It is nonnegotiable for a vendor to provide full data validation your serialization. For example, if your production line generates 100 duplicate serial numbers, rfxcel system will catch that and flag it. Some major serialization vendors push the data validation responsibility to you. Mark Davison, EU based serialization expert for rfxcel, discusses the differentiators between serialization and track and trace solution providers in regards to data validation in Pharmaceutical Serialization Software. One of the critical things that companies need to think about is, how to build data checks into their system. How to make sure that garbage in, does not equal garbage out in Pharmaceutical Serialization Software?


It is essential to build data validation steps into the framework of the system so that if the system is outputting data that is wrong it will not affect a company’s productivity. The system must be able to catch bad data and prevent it from getting into the supply chain. However, not all Pharmaceutical Serialization Software will do that. Some systems will pass on that data and it will go down the pipe and onto your business partners and onto your supply chain and cause damage.


Purchasing a system that does not validate the data is very risky.  It is advised to ask before purchasing a solution when and how they will check the data. The serialization software solution (Learn more about rfxcel Serialization Softwarewith accurate data will provide you much value beyond compliance.


A smart serialization solution will provide you the tools to look forward into what is next. What can a company do with data collected once they are compliant? Maximizing customers’ ROI after investing into rfxcel Traceability System is important to us because there is much to gain beyond compliance.


Serialization is a compliance driven issue today but tomorrow there is huge business value in the processes. The serialization tools can make the difference between a positive ROI and a really messy, expensive serialization experience.