Friday 2nd March 2018
London (UK)
Join us during the afternoon session: Company Efforts And Responsibilities To Mitigate Data Integrity Concerns
15:00-15:30 Data Integrity In Supply Chains And Traceability Systems: Implications Of The FMD
Speaker: Mark Davison heads the European operations of rfxcel, a leading serialisation solution provider. He is also a well-known expert and author in the field of drug traceability, anti-counterfeiting and other issues pertinent to the Falsified Medicines Directive and its equivalents worldwide. He worked in anti-infectives R&D at GlaxoSmithKline before a commercial career spanning biotech, CROs, consulting and software. He is the author of “Pharmaceutical Anti-Counterfeiting” (Wiley).
About the Conference on Data Integrity in Pharmaceuticals
“Data Integrity has become the “buzz” word in the pharmaceutical industry. Each regulatory application or approved product carries a commitment from the company to the regulatory authority to manufacturer only the finest quality products. Observations from all major regulatory authorities to companies around the globe indicate that many may not be taking their commitment seriously.
Hear former EMA Head of GMP Compliance, David Cockburn, Ph.D., current MHRA Data Integrity expert Stephen Grayson and Gary Bird Ph.D. (former FDA) discuss the current focus on Data Integrity within the regulatory authorities. Eight industry speakers will discuss their efforts to manage the ever-increasing volume of information within the company using the current tools at its disposal; while keeping in mind the real costs incurred due to over-zealous pursuit of data integrity perfection..”
Hosted by PhamaConsult, Click HERE to go to conference website